boss [to bag of chips]: “i’m in charge here now.” [hairdresser aims driving action music at bag of chips] “tell your attendant to tell the police everything is fine.” bag of chips: [quakes in fear] boss fires warning shots into the air hairdresser begins dancing to the music - on other side of shop cyborg vivisectee is sitting down next to ice cream bin cyborg vivisectee [to icecream sandwich]: “they told me to come here and threaten your lives, that you were scum and we were everything, but i don’t believe it.” icecream sandwich: “keep frozen! enjoy!” cyborg vicisectee [begins opening icecream sandwich]: “for years i’ve been forced to do what a computer tells me without regard to even my own nervous system. it doesn’t make any sense. nothing does. but i think maybe i know what you mean about frozen. what is enjoy?”