Don't troll me #$%$&@! ..
Purportedly a guide to accessing and safely using AlphaBay, Alphabaymarket.com provides tips to help AlphaBay users protect their anonymity. Those tips include the following:
If Alexandre Cazes, the alleged owner and operator of AlphaBay, had taken those steps seriously, his own anonymity might still be intact.
Cazes’ mistakes involved his use of several different online identifiers on both AlphaBay and elsewhere on the web: the monikers “Alpha02” and “Admin,” the email “Pimp_Alex_91@hotmail.com,” and a company called EBX Technologies (EBX Tech). By using several of these identifiers on other sites outside AlphaBay, he left a trail of breadcrumbs to his true identity.
. . .
Once AlphaBay was shut down on July 5th, users, in the words of Acting Director McCabe “flocked” to another online illicit marketplace—Hansa. According to a Europol press release, Hansa saw an eightfold increase of new members after AlphaBay went down. Unbeknownst to the users, however, the Dutch National Police had covertly taken control of Hansa since June 20, 2017. This allowed for collection of intelligence not only on Hansa users but also on those who were driven from AlphaBay. From the Europol press release, it appears not only that significant intelligence was collected but also that it was shared with the international coalition that coordinated to produce this unprecedented double takedown.
Looking Ahead
This takedown can be read as touching several of the Department of Justice’s priorities. First, it has consistently emphasized the importance of taking down criminal computer networks and their operators...
In full with links: https://lawfareblog.com/cybercrime-roundup-international-takedown-two-online...