21 Feb
21 Feb
10:56 p.m.
Valentin Pasquale Mon Feb 19 10:49:21 PST 2018
being not a cypherpunk
You are here, you are cypherpunk. You don't have to be screeching autist like Juan or jnn. Even marxist like Marina are cypherpunk. Be confident in yourself and celebrate your people. Haak, W. et al. Massive migration from the steppe was a source for Indo-European languages in Europe. Nature 522 (7555), pp. 207 - 211 (2015) Private Source: nature.com/articles/nature14317 Public Source: genetics.med.harvard.edu/reichlab/Reich_Lab/Datasets_files/nature14317.pdf If you want to know more: The Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History: shh.mpg.de/173609/haak-wolfgang Reich Laboratory: reich.hms.harvard.edu/datasets