I have strong reasons to believe this might be part of operation to take over Linux by secret services or some other malicious entity. Linux is Linuses child, he wouldn't incorporate any kind of backdoors (some might remember his answer about incorporating backdoor and if he was approachet - and he definitely was as one can see in the video). That's why he needed to go. Now other noncooperating developers will be kicked away under some fabricated nigger/feminist/homo reason (and it's already happening - Theo Ts'o). Then ((they)) are free to take over. -- Securely sent with Tutanota. Get your own encrypted, ad-free mailbox: https://tutanota.com Sep 21, 2018, 9:15 AM by zen@freedbms.net:
OK so it's pure trolling, but this is actually anti-trolling since Linus apologized for trolling - didn't even grab anyone by the pussy and he's all "I'm so sorry I can't believe how sorry I am. So sad!" <literal Trump^BLinus quote :)>
What is the world coming to? A nice soft cotton wool safe space for all? One where cp is the final frontier for those who would hammer and tongue one another to pieces - aka making duelling great again, Juan and Razer style¿
So sad...
Linus Run Out of Linux for Being Mean – Wat? https://dailystormer.name/linus-run-out-of-linux-for-being-mean-wat <https://dailystormer.name/linus-run-out-of-linux-for-being-mean-wat/> …On Sunday, the benevolent dictator announced that he would be stepping down temporarily, to “get some assistance on how to understand people’s emotions and respond appropriately.”
Truly shocked I tell ya, truly shocked.