17 Aug
17 Aug
7:41 p.m.
Seeking original paper by satoshi nakamoto posted by satoshi at vistomail.com <cryptography%40metzdowd.com?Subject=Re%3A%20Bitcoin%20v0.1%20released&In-Reply-To=%3CCHILKAT-MID-3d087dc8-b531-1fd3-bebb-15dcffb225ce%40server123%3E> The current version of the whitepaper uploaded on Sourceforge is from 2009-03-24. This is the second version of the whitepaper. The first version was published on 2008-10-31. It was uploaded to www.bitcoin.org/bitcoin.pdf which is where the current version also resides. Did anyone here happen to download and save it? Does anyone have the original 2008 version of the whitepaper which was posted to this mailing list on Oct 31 2008/Nov 1 2009? thanks mark