icsa writing workshop in kentucky prompt from #igotout “use what serves you, otherwise let it go. it’s designed to help you find words to express your complex experience.” three parts 1. The phrase “I got out of …”. An opportunity to describe, in whatever way you want, what it is that you’re no longer a part of. What it is that you signed up for and said you no longer wanted or are now questioning. It can be figurarive or metaphorical or whatever works for you. 2. The words “when I”. An invitation to open up a moment or series of moments, when there was a recognition that something was not okay. With this part of the prompt, I encourage you to ground it in the physical, sensory world. Notice the smells, the tex [maybe describe specific moment] 3. “and now” [pain or joy or whatever am grappling with today] a number of notes lost due to hand deleting