What many in the West don't get is that many Russians are a patriotic lot, and hardy in their nationalism, and with the history of the world since perestroika, they carry now a not insignificant disdain for "the West".
Meh. Early in Putin's reign, when eastern bloc countries were all joining NATO, there was a widely done poll amongst Russians in their attitude towards the West. I forget the exact numbers, but it was generally favorable overall, with support for Russia joining the EU "some day." The results went up dramatically when focusing on younger generations. Years later, it's a whole different story. For that matter, Americans had generally favorable view of Russia back then, too. Relentless state propaganda is quite effective. And I don't fault Putin for the propaganda, nor his distrust of the West. I'd distrust an alliance that is putting rockets withing striking distance of my capital as well. Largely, I think he's a very smart man, and a good statesman. But Putin isn't the good guy. There are no fucking good guys and bad guys. There are just guys, playing chess. White moves first, then black. Rooks. Queens. Castling. Good and bad, right and wrong, don't enter the equation. Whose the good guy, and whose the bad guy is the wrong question. The appropriate question is: are these players actually trying to win against each other, or is it an exhibition match for show, to keep people glued to the board while each side sells merchandising, and makes movies about who is, or is not, the good guy.