Hey folks, it's been SUCH a long time since I last emailed - rather than a lotto, which I and others I've asked believe would lead too rapidly into chaos, pick "farmer family folk" to fill ALL the US government administrative positions. Give them a few weeks training - order the existing "administration" employees to train the newcomers - and then replace the existing administration - all the way to the top - with the newcomers. Trump's big problem is that he wants to drain the swamp. Unilaterally disbanding the US government might be appealing, but is, just perhaps, at a wild guess, not quite going to fly right now. But perhaps Trump could find a few 100s of "normal" men and women, young and old, from across the rural and farming areas of America, to fill all the positions of the US government's administration - from the State Department to the Department of Justice and everything inbetween, wholus bolus. That's gotta be better than the utterly farcical shit show the world is watching now where the swamp soldiers on for 2 years ignoring 100s of actual crimes and clinging to the hope they will impeach Trump after midterms for being blackmailed by an ex-girfriend pornography "actor" to pay money to keep her quiet prior to his election. "The Left" has turned America into a violent Machiavellian evil-clown machine which is an utter disgrace to human dignity. Allowing the farce to go on for so long has quite probably been a useful exercise - to draw out and demonstrate to the world the madness that is within the USA administration, "justice" department, etc etc. Good luck world,