--- overview ---

a previous example of subjective mathematics was given related to how the calculation 5 x 2 could occur across a range of 7 through 9, if the decimal place was unaccounted for yet still existed in a hidden computation. using exponentials this range can be further demonstrated, and with enough mathematical know-how potentially any whole number sum could be produced

   5^.1 + 2^.1 = 2
   5^2 + 2^2 = 29

   5^3 + 2^3 = 133

this indicates that what is outside the boundary of consideration could also have some effect on what is occurring inside of it, depending upon how it is modeled and how the data is accounted for or may exist without such evaluation or could have ambiguities or anomalies built-into it, which can be exploited to produce alternative results in another hidden framework

   [5] + [2] = [2|29|133]

in other words, this 'extra information' exists beyond the boundary of the numbers 5 and 2, such that for example...

   [5]^2 + [2]^2 = 29

if only accounting for what is inside the boundary, the result is obvious:

   [5] + [2] = 7

and thus the sum could actually be variable, even while 'limited', which could be an issue of ~appearance or a facade calculation that obscures other processing that could be occurring simultaneously.

   [5] + [2] = [sum]

in other words, depending upon how the calculation is observed, reviewed, and evaluated, extra information or details could exist beyond a threshold that hides relevant data about the calculation taking place, allowing two or more calculations to occur simultaneously. thus if only whole numbers are accounted for and yet there are floating decimal point operations and fractions involved or rounding, these could be areas for exploits or holes.

the skewed ideological nature of relativism is such, that 2+2 could be said to sum up to 2.3, given an authority based viewpoint...

  [2]^.1 + [2]^.3= [2.3]

and therefore if a student were to say 2+2=4, this could be denied because it is not the same framework a given privileged perspective uses, which then all must use to pass their 'subjective mathematics' course, a great many ~theory-based University professors relying on these tactics.

therefore 2 + 2 = 2.3 could be standardized as a viewpoint and function outside of other checks and balances and simply be declared true, because the calculation can be made, even while its 'extra information' may not be accounted for within the shared situation itself, and instead become the dogmatic assumption required so as to obtain the only correct answer.

   [2] + [2] = 2.3  // CORRECT

   [2] + [2] = 4  // INCORRECT

addressing the extra information could be made off-limits yet still be used and required to obtain the given result, and thus by default the actual non-tainted calculation can be ruled 'out of bounds' for not acknowledging or ceding to the default biased assumption, which skews the calculation.

   [pT] + [pT] = [range of pT]

   [T] + [T] = [empirical truth]

it really matters where the boundaries are drawn and how they are accounted for, because it would be wrong to assume 2 + 2 = 2.3 without recognizing the role of exponential power in altering the whole number values. in this way, what is false can be equated with what is true, yet only because it is not resolving anomalies into a truth-only framework, and it is this leeway or skew, warping, distortion, and bias that can force false perspectives

in this same way, computer modeling of society and issues of surveillance, where 'terror' may be mapped onto citizens en masse, via criteria that are beyond actual accounting or oversight -- if not due to issues of language and psychology that are allowed given a privatized corrupted worldview via the broken US Constitution, allowing private man to manipulate events in that finite, limited framework so it firstly benefits male-male historical relations. what if, for instance, a cabal developed whereby by privilege of this viewpoint, e.g. a hostile homosexual male point of view was the grounding of the surveillance state, and its associated politics as this relates to harassment of citizens or being blacklisted or even denied healthcare. that is the same issue of accountability and boundaries and how moving goalposts allows these types of abuses to exist within the system and systematically become the basis for oppressive institutionalized behavior. and thus, in the above example, what if sexual harassment were to occur via surveillance in that peculiar context- that the private male-gaze of the state is trying to out a citizen, and that type of extra data involved in calculations. it is perhaps absurd, though perhaps not, if unregulated and unaccounted for.

the larger issue being that computer models can likewise be bounded and allow ~privileged ("royal") interpretations that are ungrounded or skewed by default of not accounting for binary biasing, subjective (A=B) evalautions, and relativistic framework that operate only or primarily in pseudo-truth and its evershifty onesided "reasoning" er ~processing, which can brute force a resulting false perspective that is presupposed to be shared by all because it can be thought and believed to exist, by fiat of everyday SIGN-BASED "computation" that is essentially saying: i see, i say, i believe myself. and this extends into: we agree, we believe, this is shared reality.

the problem with this situation is life and reality are more complicated than this simplistic framework and yet if error-correction is not allowed or views outside the particular boundary or that question it are silenced, then it is a self-sustaining bubble environment of close-minded believers in a particular finite view of partial truth that is equated with universal truth, such that pT=T. yet also, a particular individual viewpoint takes precedent over all the others that have better information or do not rely on errors, which instead can just be ignored and denied as 'less than'.

   individual.pT > group.T

the way this should ideally work is that the empirical truth of humanity would error-check and correct the individual partial truth, yet if the individual POV is ruling over humans, then it becomes 'the law' by way of power, 'the truth', albeit virtual, ungrounded, disconnected from reality.
   individual.T > group.pT

the way democracy should work is that this feedback of individual viewpoint into the larger empirical framework should be embraced, welcomed and not shutdown by censorship or other means, yet this is instead what occurs in educational institutions and society at large via conformist 'true belief'.

   dictator.pT > citizens.T

in this way, state cyberattacks against citizens could break equipment to force silence and enforce ideological boundaries, to make sure feedback cannot occur which challenges the ruling viewpoint, even though warped and reliant upon errors, false beliefs and incorrect assumptions

   dictator.power > citizens.truth (empirical)

the idea then of accountability is that this process is reversed and held to account in a legal framework of constitutional law, else it is denied and the functioning state is illegal, beyond law, exploiting its citizens

   dictator.power < citizens.truth

   private.POV.pT < public.TRUTH

   relativistic.pT < empirical.TRUTH

so a situation in a failed state could devolve to the point that a private police state is on the offensive against the public human state...

   private.police-state > public.human.state

and this very situation can likewise be reversed...

   private.police-state < public.human.state

thus, in terms of mass surveillance these various categories and boundaries can help shape the policies or lack of oversight or incapacity to reason about what is occurring in the terms it occurring within, due to illiteracy which may be inherent though also enforced, via silencing, censorship, and blacklisting and destruction of other viewpoints that challenge and seek to change the false perspective to a more accurate, accountable shared view

   private.mass.surveillance > human citizenry

   private.warped.politics.pT > human.TRUTH

   relativistic.power.pT > empirical.TRUTH

   evil.rogue.state.pT > human.state.TRUTH

in this condition there is code, signage, language and algoritms, numbers flowing through equations said or believed to /represent/ the situation and peoples interests, yet what [people], how is this defined and accounted for and to what degree is this false, based on the surrounding evidence of a despoiled environment and broken civilization, from minds to products to institutions to ideas, a total and complete manufacturing of failure, and thus the centrality of the role of ILLITERACY in allowing and enabling this status quo, basically by going along with the existing outdated paradigm, incrementally improving upon ungrounded and biased assumptions, and so-on

the big picture idea is that you would not want to limit or censor or skew or force a perspective upon reality that is inaccurate or limiting or false as that would bound what can be known and interpreted, yet this subversion could occur in a state computing or other scenario, such as with quantum all-seeing distributed networked supercomputing whereby 'the ambiguity' is forced into a narrow ideological framework and cherry-picked to get results or supporting data that allows actions to be justified via these corrupted models-- corrupted in their relation with ideas, the observation of signs as if 'the reality' versus referencing it elsewhere, conduits not things-in-themselves. such a confusion or idiocy could lead to citizens being perceived and treated as if potential terrorists, by default of a too limited onesided evaluation of the data, and its forced binarization into the same old relativistic private gaming that constitution 'history' allows

the danger is that this is the *default* condition, the rules organizing and quasi-governing systems, the capacity to legitimize this activity via 'biased processing' of binary ideologues which force privatized reasoning into these false and error-ridden frameworks as if 'universal truth' by the very declaration of a shared perspective and denial of any other evidence that does not fit the model or challenges it or inconveniences that view, and this situation has been normalized, equated with 'public agenda' even

and therefore the oppression exist within minds, and interpretations and this involves illiteracy if not malice and mendacity to the human project and its existing outside-the-lines is how it is allowed to continue, for the parallel activity is not being accounted for in the calculations, it can be sidestepped, and in doing so, takes on all the force of law-- as language, ungrounded sign-based communication substituted for truth itself. this then enshrined in technology, the operating system of the rogue state, and in individuals and society via institutional and mass media programming such that behavioral compliance is the first and ultimately the only choice

(this possible because "logic" has been removed from calculations and thus the biased subjectivity of A=B observations the basis for such politics, uncorrected and uncorrectable relativism is the carte blanche powerplay)

--- literacy and observation ---

so rationalization can be in error and this is proposed the default situation with the flawed frameworks that exist that society malfunctions within, most especially issues of money and [economics], which relies so extremely on privately skewed pseudo-truth that it is the antithesis of the principle of economy, and yet unaccountable to this empirical reasoning.

the rationalization of a finite viewpoint, a partial infinitesimal slice of larger situation by a particular observer/s and framework, then can reduce via CENSORSHIP what data is inside the model and held outside its boundary while also including other hidden data that remains unaccounted for, as bias and skew and warping and distortion, that is unable to be calculated in terms outside the perspective. it is disallowed, becomes faith-based, and an answered question- institutionalized. "this is true because it is good for us, etc. "if you do not accept our truth you are bad for us, etc.

this reductionism is tied to a limited rationalization, which is based on observations by people who agree or share a particular framework or view, yet this is not inherently grounded and removed of falsity- instead it is inherently pseudo-truth and reliant on errors biasing and warped beliefs until corrected, removed of these-- which is where the societal short-circuiting occurs, the lack of any need or requirement to do this outside of a private framework and belief system or private POV or ID. say sex or gender or demographics or political party. there is no requirement to acknowledge 'truth' existing outside this private boundary, as per the US Constitution (!) and therefore, this choosing-truth becomes a RIGHT of private citizens, and this collapses a larger shared public framework by dividing and subdividing again and again across every issue and viewpoint until there is no shared perspective for issues -- only infantile babbling (this in a context of the internet as global adolescent playpen, likewise)

so in this devolved condition, an unnatural state of illiteracy exists where the 'common framework' cannot be allowed or established, either by hostilities of others, including the state, manifested by private attacks via representatives of its ideology or by official state action itself, else the incapacity of people to communicate in empirical terms about the situation that exists, removed of biasing or boundaries and thresholds that create exceptions to everything outside a given viewpoint, which can either be incapable of acknowledging what exists to retain equilibrium in existing conditions, or also has no shared framework to communicate within, for the perspectives beyond a given specific limit. in that, the common structure is absent from social relations, the education system built around this division of thought and action, whereas what is needed is a generic or generalist viewpoint that transcends the finite specialist awareness and its limits to shared considerations within a given boundary. in other words, the ability to communicate and understand -across boundaries- has been lost in the very era when humanity is most connected by technological tools and yet there is SILENCE about the issues that exist in the terms they exist within, when instead the 'representative media estate' and its failed role as representers of public will themselves have collapsed, having no backbone for real questions, perhaps due to hidden dictatorship and real-world consequences of going against the prevailing private agenda.

if people were able to logically reason beyond binary viewpoints the issues that exist could be dealt with forthrightly in a constitutional context, yet the very absence of this, due to forced illiteracy, prevents it. the very educational system that is supposed to uphold ideals of such feedback itself destroyed and disallowing viewpoints beyond the correct perspective within classes and thus formatting minds and manners and relations this way that results in total incapacitation of the population to deal with its own situation in the state, which leaves corporate citizens the only competent selfish actors ('virtual citizens'), legal entities which now basically are representers of a portion of a privatized public viewpoint, those whose careers align with the given agendas, whether health-care or high-tech or privatized state and federal bureaucracy itself -- against the citizenry. a cannibalistic exploitative self-defeating, oppressive ideological policy that stands-in for polity in a mass mediated internet-is-TV surrealism, everything moving lock-step in the same direction of a global wind-up watch, whether it is realized or not- it is a gigantic automated machine, and people are effectively and essentially enslaved, imprisoned within it and by default function against one another via these insane dynamics, unless accurately accounting for the situation beyond enronomic beliefs

"truth itself" is not being accessed simply by communicating viewpoints within language, and yet this is the assumption that allows all this to occur without correction. instead, truth must be secured. and thus if it is trapped within ideology, that must be addressed, evaluated, transformed so that it is not a hidden limit and that such warped dynamics are neutralized and what is true can be freed from a constraining falsity. and to do this requires logic that goes beyond the prevailing binary ideology that is at this moment celebrated as a triumphant revelation of a friction-free life in a future-world, a religious-like transcendent experience -- "if only you fully and truly believe, then you can code your own reality, our reality" -- and this is outright fucking false. idiotic. it is an absolute scam. massive INSTITUTIONALIZED BULLSHIT. this is private religion that has taken over the educational system in the form of underachieving technology and associated 'agendas' that further inculcate the mindless drone roles for populations, outlawing questions beyond the given limits and boundaries. it is essentially an antihuman policy, removing human values, replacing these with machine values for a class that exploits and benefits most from this approach, yet remains hidden as a middle-managing elite. going along with this situation, you survive. questioning it, you are removed from the society, become a commodity, a natural resource, guinea pig, lab rat, etc.

relativistic 'literacy' allows this, as long as you share the POV you can ignore the negatives and proceed and succeed within society, even though it is costing you your humanity as well as the humanity of others, who likely are heavily oppressed by the same activities some people need to survive, while others deal with the ecological or social or economic impacts of the few or some who survive at the expense of the many, including nature itself in that greed has destroyed the environment and living systems to the point that natural wealth has be obliterated via this same systematic processing

beyond the boundary, then. the price of clean air or water that is not filled with chemicals. a world where breast milk is not laced with fire retardant or psychiatric drugs. these issues do not get accounted for nor are they corrected in the 'data processing' of civilization. it is instead allowed to continue as a ~normalized situation, ad absurdum ad infiniti

so the issue of observation is directly tied to that of perspective, the framework that defines the viewpoint, what the parameters are for the observer and observation, and this conceptualization is critical yet also is lacking as an awareness. society while highly visual still consists of citizens without rudimentary skills for communicating ideas, especially in terms of diagramming at the level of cave people about what is going on. instead it is pushed into sign-based linear communication, versus a more pure and basic evaluation of hypotheses and recurring models of questions and situations that can be referenced again and again, versus writing a new viewpoint over and over, rewriting, resaying, trillions of times over

the point being, the observer as an entity, a person or surveillance cam, is not conceptualized in an accurate grounded way by default, and instead relies upon a 'partial literacy' that is established in pseudo-truth, and this ungrounded condition itself involves boundaries related to viewpoint and ~perspective, limits to what is seen and unseen, what is allowed to exist as parameters or not allowed, and this [variables] of observation then are also involved in the issues they connect to and are reliant upon

thus, the surveillance camera that peers into the world is not by default in a state of 'empirical truth' in terms of its operation, it is probable it exists in a partial-truth (pT) that involves skew and distortion and binary bias that influences its interpretation, and that this exists in a private framework via constitutional law, that can allow boundaries to be edited and crossed by its corrupted, relativistic (A=B) subjectivist POV, whereby some private citizens may surveil others for political advantage and there is nothing to stop this from proceeding in these same terms, if there is a breakdown in the language itself needed to correct the errors, because these issues are not calculated inside the box, instead they are hidden, parallel computations that involve psychologies and agendas, the realities of bullying behaviors of oppressors, the traits of domination needing display by those believing themselves more powerful, to prove to the oppressed their superiority via such aggression. it is an issue of limits, just as with people who may 'keep out' views or beliefs or truth they do not want to acknowledge because it negatively effects their own version of events which best suits their particular private conditions

in other words, limits and boundaries and parameters are involved also in 'not seeing' and thus censoring what is seen or observed or related to, via how this is calculated, processed, considered, and in what logical terms

thus, the surveillance camera can have a warped POV as it looks into the surrounding world, it can be interpreting situations in skewed frameworks that rely on errors or ignore facts and data and omit vital dynamics from the models used to evaluate situations. and yet they stand in judgement as do people, as if the action of observation is itself directly connected with -absolute truth- by default, which allows lies to be structuralized, beliefs to take over as understanding and shared awareness, the partialness the realm of exploit, the area of failure in approach and understanding, such that the ideology appears to be that "truth can be engineered", if not via simply forcing a perspective that is shared by the masses as if reality

local and global, relative and empirical, many individual views of a larger shared truth - yet what if it is only partial, and censored, or limited or not calculated accurately and thus it does it not add, realistically, in that what is said and is believed to represent the situation actually is not capable of this, and in some sense, this representation is corrupted.

what if these limits and shared frameworks are based in errors if not lies that are unaccountable to correction, even by ego-based beliefs such that an observer views themselves as infallible, this narcissism, and that the condition of relation is stuck in this broken dynamic and thus perspective cannot get beyond it or outside the skew and instead relies upon it, this to include organizations and ideological and individual belief systems, as if the global population is to some extent viable, certifiably crazy. then what? how do you get to shared observations in truth if the processing of events is skewed and strange calculations are normalized and shared as the collective abstraction, and yet this is inaccurate, untrue, false, bad even

what if this condition of partial literacy of specialists is nested within a larger illiteracy of the shared condition, via set(subset) relations:

   society (individual)

   illiteracy (partial-literacy)

if people were to try to communicate, most likely it would need to occur beyond their private boundary to get at what is going on -at scale- within the larger society, yet these views could likewise be contained within a warped, skewed relativistic framework of each person if ungrounded in their   views, such that their right is to censor or limit external truth, even if partial, which then bounds this larger social connection to only subset relations in a shared language or viewpoint. thus, "classes" or shared sets of parameters that limit the macro-organism and prevent a supraorganism from ever existing at the level of the state, everything divided this way

--- what is literacy ---

vital basic knowledge and skills are missing from society today and this limits what connections people can have and in what terms, and this is the result of the way people are educated, in what frameworks and beliefs and via what methods and curricula, skillsets and pedagogy, and relationships

literacy involves a human component and is assumed based within nature, though exists in a context of technology that "interprets" environments.

most simply literacy seems to correspond with accurate observation and awareness, such that what is perceived corresponds to what actually exists, to some degree of fidelity, from partial to a more complete understanding as this involves limits and boundaries of perception, modeling of ideas

thus if a person is near a bridge and they view a streetlamp, they may recognize a streetlamp and correctly observe it, via pattern matching based on previous experience. and perhaps they notice certain variables- that it is a particular type of streetlamp, its color, height, material, and then they are on to the next observation

and so there may be some inherence in the groundedness of such observations   in that, within particular limits- there could be empirical truth that is relativistically evaluated and this could be accurate and thus a basis for general observations could be considered 'literate' to some bounded extent

another person could see the same streetlight in the context of a bridge and notice the wildgrass and embankment it is situated within, could notice the bugs and spiderwebs inside the glass case, know a little history of the infrastructure, consider the aesthetics of the concrete bridge versus steel or aluminum armature for the light, its brown color as camouflage to blend into environments as this relates to infrastructure (green transformers as if bushes, grey telephone switches as if rocks) and consider the poetry it may involve under the existing cloud cover and melancholy mood, whereby in its detached condition it is as if a statue watching over passersby, and perhaps is imagined as silent witness to the same day in the same moment

a third person could exist who has access to all empirical knowledge of a common data model, and thus when observing this same streetlight scene they could access the history of the lighting type, the type of bridge span, the name of the bolts visible, and reference the street lighting system to then consider the name of the particular color of paint used on its surface, the composition of the particular metal, what the names of nearby plants are, the sound of a bird catalogued and identified to its specificity, and then to review the history of concrete- that any such observation would map to what is known about what is observed- whether by natural instance of the distributed yet entangled empirical mind or via technological apparatus that queries a database and then pattern matches against such parameters- and in this example it would be proposed unlimited, to a certain boundary that then is unknown or not yet modeled this way-- thus a threshold area where questions exist and hypotheses are actively interpreting the data

the omniscient-like awareness of the third example is not different in its truth from the first, which is proposed to correlate with A=A awareness. though it may be more involved or function well beyond the particular limits of observation of a given observer, based on what parameters can be evaluated. someone who sees the paint and notices its color may do so to some degree, yet another observer may match this to an actual color sample and name via data query, or know of the molecular composition of the paint and consider this in relation to that of the metal used in the streetlight armature. so a limited view could become more comprehensive and yet there could be instances of literacy in all these cases, though some observation may be more knowledgeable or access more detail or contextual data or understanding and more accurately model the situation in the totality of the dimensions it exists, which could be a vast many, given what is being observed. and it is that question of the potential observation, what is the potential knowledge that could be yielded from a situation, as if via a live archaeological dig (yet interdisciplinary, across all disciplines in all their dimensions as a shared empirical framework)... such that a given plot of space-time could be accounted for in its entirety, conceptualized and empirically modeled... and what if such modeling could one day be remotely accessed via tools, to allow extended literacy of the group into individual situations, and what if technology helped this to occur versus became a limit for any such interactions with nature and ourselves beyond a warped configuration hell-bent on keeping this capacity away from humans

you would need to have a common model for observations that society would be developed around, both in the way people think and consider ideas and communicate and in how tools allow access to this knowledge, which then becomes a basis for shared governance.

what is a critical difference between the most basic pattern recognition (streetlamp = streetlamp) versus its N-dimensional consideration, is that limits may exist that bound a given observation to particular views or a particular interpretative framework, and thus the sliding scale of literacy as it relates to people seeing what they are able to see based on what they know and what they think about. thus an unthinking person may not see what is directly in front of them because they are not aware or are 'elsewhere' in their relation, whereas a person who observes what is in front of them in terms of physical artifacts may not have words or language to describe or define what they are seeing in the terms it exists, or it may be crude by comparison to someone with expert or specialist knowledge who knows the particular details a situation involves - thus the information of the utility person and gardener and structural engineers and maintenance crew and this could be an issue of parameters- what experience does a person have who is observing, as to what can be accounted for in the observation and thus, a person who knows chemistry or biology or particular ecosystems or city history would have a further expanded understanding of the context for what is observed in its given dimensions, as they may or may not apply directly to the streetlamp, in situ, as it is evaluated in given terms.

literacy could be unbounded, or bounded and infinite, and could involve a *potential* such that observations of an event could cross various limits or categories of consideration, based upon the parameters of evaluation accessible and used by the observer. relational navigation of structural frameworks of the empirical model, as signs and systems interrelate and interconnect across various dimensions, this the ecology of nested sets dynamics, the interdisciplinary yet integrated empirical perspective.

now an individual may have a limit upon what can be observed and known in their particular experience, yet questioning could exist beyond this limit and thus face that threshold condition of 'not knowing' and yet not having data to learn from either, perhaps comparable to a wall of illiteracy. and this could be rather immediate for most everyone to some degree or other. yet a transformed relation could exist, whether natural or augmented that allows such data to be queried and thus each person could reference such a shared empirical model and surpass these limits, answer and consider these questions, and build up a higher resolution model and understanding that is removed of errors or wrong assumptions, and thus operate in A=A fidelity, evaluated in terms of an error-corrected contingent modeling of truth, versus relying on a local particular view based in pseudotruth by default

what is more, someone could have access to omniscient technological tools and yet have faulty modeling, ungrounded and skewed observations based on wrong assumptions that rely upon limits and false frameworks, and thus while they could access 'greater knowledge' they may be censoring or editing out data and only seeing certain views yet also biased, warped, distorted observations that are shared in this shared computational state; and thus to some extent in their inaccurate observations (A=B), even while having advanced technology, could be less literate than those without the same tools, because their modeling is wrong and limited and bounded by a certain ideological interpretation, thus preventing accurate observation to some limit or degree or within certain dimensions; pattern matching could for instance be crude in such an approach, yet not be accounted for in its error-reliance nor in its deviation from lawful existence with others who are in the same environment, yet may not be evaluated in these terms

thus, a class or group of people could have such technology akin to highly advanced Google Glass that functions as technological eyeballs connected to databases, and they could be surveilling others via this covert capacity, yet the pattern-matching could itself be off, inaccurate, flawed, and thus false positives could exist, or 'truth' that may be inside that viewpoint may only be partial, yet believed absolute truth, for lack of any outside accountability for the error-rate it involves. and that could then lead to a false perspective for the surveillance cameras, who peer outward, in that what they are seeing may not be 'reality itself' and instead could involve and does involve warping, skew, and distortion by default of ideological biasing and relativistic frameworks, in the context of absolute truth, beyond that given boundary, to include all truth of the shared situation.

such a technological viewpoint could be self-sustaining, not requiring an outside validation because it is 'above' or governing over the destruction of civilization- yet its presumption of superiority and correctness, as with assumptions that signs wrongly equal what they signify, could ignore external truth and operate within that threshold and limit and parameters that allow a onesided viewpoint to persist unchallenged and without regard to truth beyond that contained and managed boundary. say, all truth that exists that is not contained within the model, yet viewed subservient to it, such as the cosmos itself in its entirety and all that it involves. and thus to take a finite limited perspective and privilege it over all other truth, by denying or ignoring or oppressing and silencing it, then can also establish certain dynamics that are mediated in terms of relations, this is to include those that are perceived 'lower' when they are in fact 'higher' in the realm of knowledge and awareness and understanding of what is, yet the power relations in a corrupted society may exploit this and allow the partial view to manage and rule over the human viewpoint, instead, which replaces truth with its substitute, aka the global false perspective.

in that corruption, technological tools for those in societal systems then seem to encourage incapacity to change these parameters and limits, and school systems actively censor and punish independent thought and ideas that do not conform to the limits and enforced boundaries, and it is these vary constraints that the machinery requires people to submit to in order to function as it does today. else everyone is a potential wrench thrown into the ideological works, and thus must be discarded as a threat to the maintenance and smooth operation of the warped wheelwork, biased gearing. a savagery and violence exists in the realm of stopping thought and ideas and human actions via these same viewpoints, stopping communications and basic relations, reference to the dimensions that exist via accurate modeling and portrayals, instead this brings on punishment, retaliation, aggressions

those who defer to truth are connected with humans, yet though those who require truth to defer to their private viewpoints are not the same, they have given up something essential to get where they are, and they require the limits to be what they are, in order to succeed in that given approach, yet this is the same requirement of the broken tools and broken society, that it remains broken and this be normalized, for some to succeed within the system while all other humans fail and are subjugated by this agenda

the binary computer is the artifact that maps directly to this same flawed modeling and the oppressive political ideology that rules over civilization as a state of disease, focused upon death and money and SHIT, to be honest, as its ethics and morality, as if fucking people over is a virtue somehow, and then this encoded into peoples minds, relations, activities, and into the code and software and hardware that subverts the tools and allows them to be exploited, broken, and crippled if their use is beyond the boundary or jeopardizes the feelings of the ideologues who just want to feel safe, and so activities and thoughts that they are threatened by become limits, as it does not serve their governing agenda, and so on, as this involves what is not accounted for in the given calculations in surveillance society

the thing is, you could have the most advanced technology in the world, say a distributed network of quantum supercomputers -- yet if the modeling and viewpoint and interpretation inside the device is flawed and biased, in can instead serve tyranny and become the foundation for lawless oppression over a captive population. the way people think, their psychology and the limits and frameworks they rely upon matter, it influences and effects how the tools develop and who they serve -- some private subset or the human public

and thus the minds that are managing the technological works cannot by default be assumed to have access to unfettered truth, nor should they be allowed to operate under the assumption of infallible decision-making that is reliant on binary views, a too simple simplicity for issues at stake, and instead accountability _must occur at this interior level in terms of A=A accuracy in a model of empirical truth, and not A=B or B=B inaccuracy that is normalized via biased relativism of a privatized hidden mindset that is assumed 'true' by default of being able to communicate via signs as if the signage itself is self-validating. that is madness, diagnostically.

there is no reason to believe the interior perspective is actually either grounded or sane, given the standardization of mediocrity. it is far more likely it is corrupted like every other institutional system and operates in parameters that are inaccurately mapped to reality and decision-making occurs within those warped and skewed frameworks by default. it is highly probable and extremely unlikely spontaneous empirical truth is generated within existing binary, relativistic contexts, now matter how subtle.

in this way, the same flaws inherent in the desktop and networked computer systems of today, yet at the core of the state, and likewise equally able to be fully exploited for a private onesided agenda unless brought under control and audited and answerable to the human public it supposedly serves in its mission. that is a notion that cannot be based on hidden trust and requires accountability and oversight and understanding of the processes and models by which these perspective-machines are tabulating citizens into state modeling and how private corporations are likewise exploiting these dynamics for profit, both political and monetary.

the tools are inherently flawed unless removed of error. they do not start clean, especially if protected in their error-reliant processing. they must be held to a higher standard than personal evaluation and 'true belief'. such religious faith in technocracy has no place as a ruling ideology because its values - the parameters of its perspective - are machine-based and thus it is trivial to edit out human details and awareness and provide a false viewpoint by which to observe, peer into peoples lives and oppress them via this same infrastructure. the core problem is thinking, belief that is detached from its accountability to and service to greater truth. a subverted state that is attacking its own citizens via cyberwarfare is a state that is attacking itself, except the equation can be flipped...

   private.state > public.state

   private.state < public.state

accountability can occur in reverse, the panoptic lens can force review of situations beyond account due to limits used to hide political agendas. the evidence of an offensive against citizens indicates corruption at the core and that these same tools are being exploited for private political gain and should not be allowed to continue under the existing management, as the continued operation of the surveillance infrastructure under the existing terms is a threat to citizen and the larger society for lack of accounting for a larger truth than what exists on the inside within a finite worldview

the only basis for accountability will be empirical truth removed of lies and falsehoods and too highly constricted limits to what can be discussed about what the issue are and how they are modeled via code, programming, software and hardware tools. people have a right to know how they are being modeled and if these models are accurate. it is certain they are skewed and biased, given institutional and societal adherence to binary ideology, the lingua franca of today. something vital has been lost and needs to be recovered. truth needs to be secured, in peoples minds and within the core of the calculations in technological society. anything less is tyranny, and the basis for its legitimation, sustenance, and further antihuman extension

(if the state is operating within a false perspective it is a threat to everybody and must be corrected. there is every indication this is the situation. if this false perspective is used to interpret surveillance, then the models themselves must be reviewed for their accuracy, it cannot be assumed as a preexisting condition simply due to sign-based beliefs.)

icepick, sawmill, electric winch

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