when trying to donate to a caving organization i discovered i get shortcodes from paypal from a different address in one browser than another. in my usual browser i get them from 72975 . via a slightly different channel i got them from 729725 . websearching around others have had similar experiences. it looks like the former code is bogus and some goonies have been doing a massive mitm campaign on paypal customers for three years and have complete access to a ton of funds including mine epic? from textingworld.com: Short Code 729725 Text Message Marketing Details Company: PayPal Phone: 1 (888) 221-1161 Address: San Jose (HQ), CA United States URL: https://www.paypal.com/us/webapps/mpp/ua/useragreement-full#miscellaneous SMS Programs: PayPal Mobile Alerts Registered on: 6/15/11 Campaign Name: PayPal Mobile Alerts Short Code 72975 Text Message Information Company: PayPal URL: https://www.paypal.com/ SMS Programs: PayPal Serivices Registered on: 3/25/20 Campaign Name: PayPalSerivices