On Thu, Jan 28, 2021 at 02:02:12AM +1100, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
As you get up to speed with the Adrenochrome industrial scale 'harvesting', Jack Ma and a seemingly endless strind of celebrities from Cher to Howie Mandel, staying up to speed with this "conspiracy" theory will likely reduce your shock as this trickle of both facts and suppositions turns into a torrent of unsealings of court cases (many indictments listed below in summary) and which can literally lead to feeling physically ill, and for those way behind the 8-ball, can lead to apparrent insanity and consequent voluntary and/or involuntary commitment to a psychiatric institution (if you've experienced or seriously considered doing so, you shall be able to have empathy for those who follow, otherwise at least a little sympathy).
Stay sane folks, this is only just beginning for most folks, and the 100th monkey has yet to kick in, and when it does, an avalanche of confront, upset, shock, anger and all around Soul searching is gonna kick in for literally millions of fellow humans.
Some may quite literally need your support - remember the most effective is usually just a sympathetic listening ear with quiet and gentle nods - just enough to let them know, we're all in this together.
P.S. for those who pray, please pray for the heads of the hydra to be made known to our patriot super soldiers and seals, that this war may finally be brought to a definitive end. Alternatively, your gentle contemplation may be sufficient to bring forth into your own awareness certain key facts or possibilities, in which case share that either here or on your preferred social media to get the ideas out there, to help bring forth closure and righteous justice in the sight of us all. Thank you very much.
The first comment on this one is pure gold muh whigs :D TheStorm Ishere Jan 22, 2021 at 3:12 pm This is one mindfuck of an article. I believe every last thing thats written here, problem i have is digesting and registering it all. Everything we know, every last thing has been a lie. Our childhood heroes are villainous monsters that take pleasure in showing off to the world how fucked up they are. Thing is I cant even tell anyone about this because they’re nowhere near ready and will pronounce me as one cooked unit. But I need to get the word out. All aboard the TRUMP TRAIN. FKN CHOO CHOO!!!!! PPS: yes at this late stage of the game, many 'tubes and images are now missing, which is very unfortunate - but many are still there. Sadly whoever assembled this used many embedded links and failed to include local copies/backups etc. Failed Rule #1 of reporting - always make a local copy.