On 8/30/16, Razer <rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
There NOTHING here to indicate a hack no less a RUSSIAN hack except the FBI's "Suspected" say-so.
Remember wmd in iraq... gov always talks shit out its ass to suit its own gang. Unless you see the raw data and draw your own conclusions, it's all talking head bullshit. IP addresses in a pdf, lol, probably cia owned vps to blame russia. Co-engineered with more talk about desperate need for data retention. Fuck that, shut your arses, peel a measly $2B off your budget and give it straight to BSD and Linux Foundations so they can make more secure os with it. And maybe another measly $2B to send every admin in your country to at least one security class of their choice. Stupid "govts". Cypherpunks for Office.