Jim Bell's guess: hydrogen cyanide. (Hydrocyanic acid)
It only took five seconds for assassins to kill Kim Jong Nam
My guess? Vietnamese prostitutes, and the spray? Perfume.
He probably stiffed them after they gave him a 'stiff', so they
offed him. But made themselves recognizable to him by their
fragrance so he'd remember them and what he'd done while he was
dying in pain from damage done by the chokehold. Just ask any pig.
If done wrong (or in this case 'right') you've subdued the suspect
(victim) rather permanently.
Or perhaps Mr Bell is too sexist to believe women could execute(sic)
a chokehold?
Because he's never tangled with a female cop... Or taken a speck of
martial arts.
Women are excellent bare-hands killers with the proper training, and
Vietnamese prosties have a rough life.
Ps. The NY Post used to be a decent newspaper... The 'workingman's
New York Times', and the NY Daily News was one step short of the
National Enquirer. The roles have reversed over the years. Still
getting used to it.
Pps. Know the symptoms of Cyanide poisoning. Pain IS NOT one of them
but giddiness is: