(need to clarify this statement so it makes some sense...)
so, any given issue like [work] or [school] as a perspective
is likely unshared because it does not parse the same across
generations, and oftentimes an older constituency of the state,
those most privileged and served by the existing corruption,
seem to think their views superior and more knowing of the
conditions and accurate - instead of out of touch and out of
date, nostalgic and unreal to others existing in very different
circumstances and parameters and dynamics, generations
upon generations subsidized by handouts from the retired-
class, who have all the money not inside billionaires coffers

i believe the "success" of the capitalist system based on money
as primary value - from individual scaled up to local/global state -
is an ILLUSION. a fiction that is not supported by facts evaluated
in terms other than money (that is, where money equates w/truth)

an earlier generation benefited by the existing system and then
collapsed. such that, once upon a time a person could get a
decent education, a living wage job, pay their bills, marry and
have a family, own a vehicle, purchase a house (e.g. $10,000
about 40 years ago that today may be $150,000 and upwards),
and then even start a business, or have a thing aka 'a career',
that would be a path towards retirement, relaxation in old age

those who succeeded, especially at a higher rate of profitability
then could support their children and make up the gap, where
school began to cost more money, house mortages needed a
downpayment which parents could pay as gift, or a car would
be purchased as a leg up, especially as living wage becomes
few and far between, college debt balloons, the family unit
collapses thus foundational social relations evaporates, and
yet these weaknesses could be managed by those with such
larger financial connections. and if they - the children - succeed
in this system, it is viewed as the system is working and not
that it is based on subsidizing it within the basic parameters,
via those who have more wealth propping up those who do not

the myth of 'self-made' person then, that hoary arrogant belief
is not only based on a corrupt implementation that benefits a
few people at the expense of the many, structurally, it also is
based on a privilege utilized and extended by those who have
money, as it subsidizes their staying 'within the system' as if
more competitive and fit, morally superior, than those without
such an additional support structure. survival then can largely
depend on existing wealth in proximity to an individual who is
otherwise in a situation supposedly on the level with others,
and in this way, basic relations and dynamics often involve
string-pulling or behind-the-scenes influence to how various
situations play out, as if ~natural, based on competition or
superior skills or ability, than having one person financed by
a hidden investor and others not, as it whittles away people
who can do more than be subsidized, follow rules, draw in
the lines, not upset investors or risk the support structure;

(so too, 'father figure' as if god, moral, wise, all that bullshit)

it is systematic private tutelage required for the 'capitalist'
system to _appear to work, as it is then represented that
people are independent, pulling themselves up by their own
bootstraps, versus having (really, actually, public) subsidies
(via theft of the commons). so this is to say 'parents' and-or
'families' can provide this over generations, depending also
on exactly how wealthy they are- such that grandparents
can contribute to college via retirement funds or whatever,
stock dividends for a given year- while also checking their
social security because- you know, ~it is 'their money'...

(in such a way that working poor are subsidizing the rich,
and this pressure then increases the yearly livability gap)

at the top of society and the top of this heat of madness is
'superman', the male head of household, whose spouse or
wife -if not yet divorced- has likely sacrificed her goals and
her freedoms to allow this illusion of mastery to develop...

one person's freedoms sacrificed for freedoms of another
(though this also happens on a mass scale). the 'man' is
then the person who "thinks" and "knows" and "decides"
and financial success is tied to his success and abilities;
again, an illusion. divorce an indication this is imbalanced
as a relational condition- spouse as servant or handmaid.

so too entire families can prop up the narcissistic ego of
'the breadwinner' who then conquers society, hunts prey
to gain survival and existence, and then this belief in his
superiority based on success in these defined parameters.
i am good at business- i am a warrior! etc. identity of man
funneled into certain functioning that is removed of goals
and views outside his own immediate need, this privilege
then equated with larger social responsibility as it maps
to the state at large, he is the soldier fighting the war by
pursuing his own self interest, he is the competitor, the
decider, the succeeder, the intellect, the champion of
his own life and those who he supports around him.

the problem is that it is mostly bullshit, based on lies.

that this 'survival of the fittest' is highly rigged, based on
special and unique privileges, corruption, not accounting
for truth, and believing in inhuman values that govern over
social and other relations by default, as if emancipatory,
an ideal model for state functioning, best of all possible
worlds, where it is his world, his ideas, his goals and
beliefs, his interests first, that define, manage, evaluate
the shared situation in his onesided terms and views,
while errors are ignored based on higher authority as if
a godhead, infallible, because 'he' is -history- effectively

so some massive shithead like this then spreads the word
as if simpleton business philosophy is real deal; concepts
like [property] and [capital] and [work] and also [education]
are brought to bear for constructing and relaying his POV...

so this warped privileged, false-perspective then is shared
and communicated about as if _standard, its corruption and
false portrayal and non-accountability then normalized as if
the measure by which other actions are held against, judged
by virtue of 'what works' without calculating it beyond money

[property] to this bastard fuck is having an education and
degree lined up, a wife, a family, a house, vehicles, house,
(probably cabin or perhaps additional real estate), career,
vacations, travel, stuff beyond what any person needs (as
this relates to inefficiency and hoarding of material goods)

others in another generation may not even have a family
structure, they may not attain an education or degree that
allows career or work in field of interest, a living income is
likely not available, they cannot afford a house, they have
no spouse or even social relations potentially, they could
not afford a vehicle, or to maintain it, or insurance, they
may not have enough for food or clothing, they live within
the property of another as renter, they never had a vacation,
they cannot travel, and they fall outside culture due to lack
of access or barriers to participation, and many view them
as leeches and parasites of society for taking _away wealth
from the succeeding and working class, even while systems
that sustain these others or that they function within are the
very cause for this incapacitation and state of degradation

so the very ideology that is judging the 'failures' as immoral
is the reason for this structural condition- its very -success-
and yet this maps to a view that those with money are better
than those without, more virtuous, by natural ability in terms
of competition, versus this situation rigged to benefit some
at the cost of many, while not allowing it to be accounted for
because it is only evaluated in terms of money, not of its truth

'handouts' from the rich to those dependent whether legally or
not, say children of these benefactors of state corruption, then
create the false perspective that these 'citizens' thus subsidized
are actually succeeding in the original parameters and are not
propped up by those who actually benefited the most, and thus
trickle-down is intergenerational from within family bloodlines,
and not outside this private context, unless somehow views of
philanthropy are equated with providing people with a fair and
equal chance of success in competition-- that is not occurring.
instead it is symbolic, to make it appear as if the system works
in its functioning, that its ideological principles and beliefs are
fundamentally 'true' based on continuing -subsidized- successes

this is not 'a little grease in the wheel', this is requirement of
having the grease canister perpetually attached to the wheel
while others must go and function without, a deficit or gap
which structurally and knowingly leads to their demise. this
is the lie, that religious view that cannot be challenged and
such heresy is quickly medicated away as rantings of crazy
persons who are jealous and inferior, greedy, selfish, unkind

thus, a view of [property] if evaluated in this range of potential
interactions, could be a condition of power and mastery, over
others and supposedly over the self (by way of narcissistic ego)
and it can inherently involve subjugation of others to maintain or
sustain this view which remains unaccounted for, whereas these
other views of property are from the perspective of subjugation,
of having these idiot superior fucks gloating about their power
and supporting their weak-thinking genetic herds of monetists
who think society only revolves around them and their needs,
that they are the determiners of value, while truth of this is
not accounted for beyond private limits and beliefs, which
the corrupt US constitution allows as a warped prerogative

entire professions based on this belief system, 'disciplines',
modes of being, this enronomic inflation of shared ungrounded
value held in common, the basis for 'mechanics of property' as
this becomes economists, lawyers, businessmen, entrepreneurs
who benefit from this condition and work to extend it for a limited
shared set they belong to. in this way, the hypothesis that such
corrupt capitalism is indistinguishable from corrupt communism,
that it is entirely materialist, value is based on money, its control
and 'thinking is bad' that does not conform to the belief system,
and can be edited out, censored, destroyed, as if a moral action

this idea of freedom at the cost of others, such that 'equal rights'
are then taken away via this structural imbalance, is what then
legitimizes the false view, that they are free to hold these views,
it is their legal right as enshrined in signed documents and thus
such activity is signed-off-on at the level of the 'unshared state'

what is so absolutely totally crazy about this is that it is modeled
as if a natural system, an ecosystem. though the structural bias
has been normalized as if implicit in nature, such that some must
be unemployed while others do the work or some must live while
others must die off, so that 'the group' succeeds. the problem with
this view is that it is artificial, nowhere in nature is a natural system
likely allowing structural inefficiency to be normalized to subsidize
the 'partial organism'. this is not the bird killing some of its young
so that others can live scenario, given harsh resource conditions.
it is something far beyond that, an ideological compromise that
has become normalized. it is to consider a macro-organism in
such a way that its 'economy' is only measured within subset
relation of the whole, and not the entire entity as this economy

in other words: success of the partial organism or ecosystem
is isolated from its cost to sustain in those terms of functioning
such that it is a false ecosystem, a fake view of involved events
because its analysis is bounded to only 'what works' within the
'partial model' or subset, and not within the larger total society
as organism. and thus 'the economy' that is profiting is based
on the entropic removal of value (truth and money) from a larger
condition, to support and sustain a smaller version inside of it,
yet which is parasitic, requiring failure of the whole system so
that the part can succeed, in this way it is self-cannibalistic

     (public.state (private state))  ===> (loss(profit))

the entropic exchange then removes value, hoards it with the
few, exploits these dynamics by an enforced boundary '(' or limit,
which then is based on beliefs that are beyond further accounting
in their truth, such that 'shared belief' is equated with this 'truth' yet
is not actually so, it is simply a 'shared view' of shared self-interest
of some subset or group or identity, such as man and mankind...

   (human (woman (man (mankind))))  --->  'man' (humanity)

private superman and his ego as shared or unshared thus is able
to rule over humanity, even if the beliefs are not based in truth or
are warped, because of the power of money to force perspective,
shared relations, communications, language into that framework
(thank lawyers for giving the final seal of approval, courts as well)

so when 'men' relate or private shared identities (i dunno, let us
say antihuman homosexuals for instance) then humanity can be
kept out of this 'shared public' interest, and one population or group
and its interests can function against other, via economic means
as normalized, streamlined, made mainstream as if shared value

it is so devious it would have to be planned this way. it is just too
warped to not be evaluated in more realistic terms, and yet-- and
yet... that is exactly what happens. people routinely call up the
iconic signage, the functions and protocols of [property] and can
reference these as if standard, known, shared ideas of a common
view or understanding, not accounting for the variance involved,
and thus in referring to these 'views' or perspective in only partially
grounded ways, it further supports and relies upon the falsity that
they develop and allow, as ideological structures, such that the
views of money are automatically unpacked as interpretations,
foundation for analysis, that is thus friction-free in calling out or
referencing such parameters, without accounting for their truth
in a context beyond linear language, which is the predicament

thus communication and language enforce the falsity by their
continued and automatic use, continuing to repaint the views
anew and afresh as if legitimate, stamps of approval to previous
modeling now detached from realistic accounting for what exists
and held and believed as religion, with faith in these views that
then becomes and is the problem, the righteousness of viewpoint
that can be ungrounded, a false perspective and framework that
does not map to reality and instead sustains, aids the corruption

the ideological view has been expertly engineered- rationalized,
all it needs is to be used, employed and deployed, especially
as if a theory - proven as physical law, versus hypothesis with
error correction where the working-model is readily evaluated
versus becoming dogma, an enforced belief beyond questioning
or challenge. in this way, pseudo-truth replaces truth as value

it gets crazy real fast- think of it, the realm of subsidy extending
from a millionaire class and dependents, quasi new.royal lineage;
the 'representatives' of the state and sports ~heroes alike, icons
of the success of the system -- that it works -- for those like them

(who the fuck would pay to watch commercials? the same people
who pay to watch millionaires play sports in rigged competitions)

this is the success story that supposedly validates the merits of
the capitalist system in its privatization and enclavement, as it is
represented by private wo|man and their demographic kind, this
at the cost of humanity, earth, nature, life, love, sanity, truth itself

only 'economics', 'politics', 'society' divorced from truth could allow
this as a viewpoint, sustaining it as 'shared reasoning' within what
is a highly protected boundary or border -- borders everywhere --
not only in physical though also mental property, gatekeepers of
the mind and thinking, what modeling or viewpoints are allowed,
as this aligns with institutionalized views, ideological, dogmatic,
beneficial to the same expropriating flows of labor and material
and value, while standing in as protesters against this, benefiting
and relying upon the very thing stood against, via this ungrounded
condition, 'shared belief' the delusional interconnection, dependency
and literally- privilege, where conceit and hypocrisy go hand in hand

those people over there making a survivable income are bad while
my survivable income over here is morally superior, because belief

it is all part of the same thing, just more major or minor variations-
the success of the billionaires is the success of college graduates;
it is the same fucking system, the same monetary values driving
the interactions, bringing home the bread. to think otherwise is
delusional, in so far as it partakes in language, communications,
these exchanges in terms outside logical accounting for its truth-
it is the very thing which sustains the ongoing development, that
the terms it exists within as ideologically defined are the foundation
for subsequent interactions-- that this 'history' is not challenged at
the level of core ideas, and instead merely referenced, as another
programming function or call or routine, more oil in the wheels, as it
further fuses materialistic beliefs of capitalism/communism together
as if some kind of liberation, greater freedom, via increased bondage
and reliance upon structures, institutions, corrupted organizations
and shared identities that can be manufactured and manipulated,
subverted as a centuries-old practice, such hidden engineering

'the group' identity, some subset of private demographics, then
directly equates with this oppression- difference as universalized,
the fragmentary as if whole, in its warp and skew and unreality,
and then to mediate situations on these 'shared terms' that are
requiring of further oppression against the common human set;
because people cannot get beyond themselves, they lost their
own truth and identity to culture and institutions defining it for
them in other terms, relations in superficial constructs as if all
about freedom and 'think whatever you like' because it is easy
to just believe its true, no one is going to falsify your viewpoint
in a context of money as the value, the determining evidence

in this way, 'ideas' and 'intellectualism' likewise a trap unless
taken outside the prevailing normalized context. any reference
to security or 'the economy' defaults to this corruption, this
deep structural oppression and subjugation of populations
supported by the false ideas and views, relations and beliefs

then consider being duped, that there is an invading force of
people who have a hostile agenda and are citizens standing
side by side with us, as if fellow citizens yet hostile to these
very 'ideas' and principles that go beyond monetary viewpoints

the mainstream interactions and use of language, communication
favor their agenda by default, and overtime it is the only viewpoint
that can be reasoned in the faith-based system of money-as-truth

that this 'historic' loss of freedom, and 'mankind' as fiction is
also what is allowing this takeover and takedown of the state to
occur, within these same parameters, due to lost accounting for
actual truth in society, replaced by beliefs shared by benefactors
of the system, the subsidization, the privilege, superiority complex
as if natural ability and capacity, not gained by kneecapping others
and locking the gate, ignoring all that because it benefits self first
as privately defined, again, extension of private ego, ~superman
though this warped view subsidized by oppression of surrounding
others, spouses, the public, the future, those without resources

a human viewpoint would quickly resolve this, unless there is a
fight within the self disallowing it, which is thus a schizophrenic
condition of fragmentary puzzlework that is not aligned correctly
enough to get a new model or 'governance' in these terms, then
it is a fight within the self, wo|man or human, as this can flip-flop
back and forth, especially as it relates to truth and money, such
that a condition of superposition exists for how interpretation and
action grounds, in its accuracy, based on what motivations and
structures, the circuitry of existence as mind and body relate

in such a condition of [democracy] where hostile forces exist
as voters and constituencies seek to fortify the corrupt state,
another concept such as [dictatorship] could likewise have a
range of interpretations, based on parameters it functions within
and thus a 'democracy of moneymakers' may require checks-
and-balances of a dictatorship of truth hidden as governance,
somewhere deep within the shadows as backup structure, it is
also a threat if 'dictator-of-moneymaker' was to align with this
'democracy-of-moneymakers' likewise. so even a context such
as mass surveillance, hidden dictatorship, failed democracy,
in their truth could still involve moral and ethical governance in
terms of humans as the shared set. though if an observer is
not evaluated in 'human terms' it is not possible to evaluate
these situations in that larger structural viewpoint, and also
evidence may be lacking to support such a view or belief

until 'people' begin communicating in these more realistic
frameworks, what is communicating and exchanged as views
supports the failed state in its oppressive dynamics and goals.
by standardizing and extending and normalizing the false, it is
giving it currency as if truth, which is validated by its effects, in
terms of profit and money as evidence of its reality, tangibility,
as if money proves things, and also limits, defines this proof

as with property, when someone has ideas for how to deal
with this situation, in the past they may have had a career,
a livelihood. today instead, ideas to 'fix' the corrupt state are
unwanted, ignored, or abolished, instead, such people are
viewed ~mentally-ill for not conforming to the worldview. is
this really the foundation for freedom, and not for slavery?

also, for those most invested in the status quo, they are
more reliant on the lies that structure this mechanism for
their own 'success' and survival. they have reason to believe
because it benefits them most. in this way, the illusion that
they exist in a greater realm of awareness and truth due to
functioning inside the system is an illusion. there are more
lies at the top of this false framework than at the bottom,
where it is more readily observable the gap needed to be
able to sustain the false perspective, viewpoints, beliefs

that is, if truth is value. if money is the supreme value and
virtue aligns with this, then 'greatest truth' would be with
those with all the money, which is the cosmic setup, in
that materialists then congregate together, and can then
be mapped out, dealt with accordingly via future accounting

in other words, the more connected a person is within the
system the more reliant upon lies needed to sustain it and
oppression of others, though this can be left out or removed
from analysis, which is part of the hypocrisy of the privileged

in this way the bane of causes, champions of issues who
then function against these same parameters in human terms
outside the economic model, where money determines truth

it is as if the body replaces the mind as 'governer' and that
physical proof that is materialistic is viewed highest evidence
when instead this is actually accounted for in terms of money,
in these same circuits, though within a shared 'group view' or
belief system - again religion. whatever it is called, Marxist
or Keynesian or Head-start or Obamacare or whateverthefuck

in this way, zombies.culling of populations who do not conform
or submit or shared demographics based within and upon a
shared ideology, this falling into line, following, as if freedom,
liberty, channeling efforts into the wrong circuits, agendas,
and goals, though those which can be mechanized/realized
within the existing false frameworks and parameters, though
not reviewed for their integrity, which then is the basis for easy
subversion, mimicry, camouflage for another hidden agenda

not thinking-it-through at the level of logical analysis beyond
binary then leads to this use of 'emanicpatory ideas' as a
main form of oppression, via group think as institutionalized,
whether alternative or countercult or not, authority-based that
is again 'individual rights' scaled to society as warped universal

the very problem and issue is communication, language, action
in these terms- the very exchange in pseudo-truth allowing the
whole edifice of lies and falsity to be maintained by not going
several steps further, into the depths, to address the structures
involved, the errors relied upon, and therefore these extended,
becoming the basis for interactions, the basis for livelihoods,
yet another brick in the wall, no matter what opinions or views
held, reliant upon the very system, without self-consciousness
or self-reflection or modeling skills or capacity to address and
correct for errors, because society has been made _illiterate
by these very same forces, interactions with self and others,
relations and exchange occurring in majority falsity instead,
shared beliefs as if truth when it just is not this simple

and it is a shared condition, everyone exists in this, as if the
cosmos has fallen in its truth, where truth was never secured
and it is only getting worse and worse, more and more difficult
to continue in the existing parameters, pressures increasing,
and that enormous gap, within the self perhaps and also with
others, every other a unique consideration of dimensionality,
how relations wire or align or do not interconnect. how to go
from existentialist alienation and nausea to shared human
awareness, especially if 'private ego' is the standard POV

a limit or boundary of observers, interpretation existing, this
human view requires comprehension of true nature of self,
a remodeling of relations internal and external, governance
in these terms, which likely already exists yet may not be
primary due to circumstance and prior decision-making if
compass is misaligned or dealing in hostile force-fields to
begin with, which is the default scenario, this detachment

and to mention the hypocrisy of seeking to account for this,
the antagonism of a lost humanity, the very people who do
the most, seek the higher ideals then scrutinized for these
efforts because of the way the circuitry actually functions
is not as believed or perceived in private terms of identity
as shared, subset, perhaps turned into careers, et cetera.

this brutal awakening of the other which is humanity, in
its loss of position and value of the state to the alter-ego
of the self, fallen from grace, delusional and dangerous

at its core there is love, in this securing of truth it is to
redeem the internecine battles by a higher awareness
and understanding that cannot escape tribulations of
difference, opposition, disconnection, misalignment

the economy, governance, social relations could be
based on shared truth as a human value, instead of
money. that could be how justice is determined and
freedom is protected. and within this, love as a value
and principle that has been removed from relations
between people, except insofar as it is monetary

it is to consider perspective, interpretation of observers
who may view the same events yet parse them differently

[evil] actions and [good] actions are variable, relative to
the parameters evaluated within, based on what is of value

for an antihuman materialist who believes money is truth,
the basis for their objectivity, evil actions may map to those
(such as the poor) who take away their money or who they
must subsidize beyond their private frameworks, and thus
rationalized subversion, exploitation, could be believed just
and it could even become a malethical structural of the state,
such that expropriation of resources to the rich set is ~divine,
thus actions like these would be 'good', of highest virtue, etc

whereas if this same situation was evaluated in terms of
grounded truth, accurately determining what is good or evil
would requires accounting for what is evil in terms of its truth,
and what is good in terms of its truth, as concepts, as this
maps to a shared human identity. an evil action could be
viewed as taking away the ability to live from many people
so that only few can live at their expense. good could be
evaluated of those efforts that seek to remedy this situation
though it may be limited by what is acknowledged as true,
what can be recognized, and thus partialness is involved,
as 'truth may not be separated from falsity' (as pT) and
thus 'good intentions' could actually support evil actions
unwittingly, an endless army of trojan horses in civilization,
due to not establishing and securing this logical foundation
beyond the binary, resulting in ideological shared beliefs
that while believed 'true' and 'good' could function otherwise
as the parameters are not adequately accounted for in the
ways they exist beyond limits of relation as conceived or
believed within the shared set, also benefiting enemies.

in this way, 'monetary truth' ultimately can determine what
is true, whether or not it is true, and also presume it 'good'
because it is shared as a belief, as a consensus viewpoint,
as if morality even if for different ends and opposed agendas;
both grounding to the same shared false perspective ultimately

that is how ideology has defeated ideas in their truth, its
currency has more value in the working system and those
who profit from it function as its prophets, extending beliefs,
indoctrinating new disciplines, maintaining false frameworks
at the cost of humanity, a real accurate model of what exists
beyond private ID, accountable to truth as its measurement,
for worth, for value, for relations, governance, exchange, etc.

every human being has valuable insights into this situation,
everyone who thinks and feels has details, views, observations
to contribute to modeling what is going on, from their vantage.
what is required to do this is 'knowing your 1s and 0s' in terms
of logic and probability, this allowing shared empirical reasoning
where truth befits truth as shared structure and scaffolding in a
hypothetical parallel modeling of this shared human condition;
likewise, the truth of the billionaire and truth of the homeless,
both of value. morality likewise, the human good that those
with wealth do and those without, accounting for this, valuing
it, establishing it as foundation, building upon such structure.

(making it possible for thinkers to have sustainable employment
for instance, versus viewing such modeling as without worth to
others, think how this would have decimated previous generations,
think-tankers would not be employed- they would be medicated,
there would be no model for what is going on, and today, this is
the extending situation into the future, an outdated and warped
point-of-view that is inaccurate, the only guideposts available;
unless people are willing to take on the situation and change it,
transform it via shared action, work, support, within these terms)

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