On Mon, 28 Sep 2020 18:52:27 +1000 Zenaan Harkness <zen@freedbms.net> wrote:
As Juan correctly points out, the American political left (the DemonRATs) are more extreme than the nominal "right".
I never ever said that. It's a fuckingly stupid lie. What I said is that the US 'left' are fascists, i.e. right wingers. Like you. ps: you should stop misspelling the name of that cuntry. It's not 'america'(that's a continent), it's 'united states'.
And as you correctly point out, on an axis of political 'freedom', the Rep/T party is only marginally to the right of the D/Xi party, making the two parties a false dichotomy of sorts.
right/left is a meaningless distinction.
IF Mr T gets a sufficient majority in both houses
that murderous piece of non human shit whom you worship, trump, is a US 'democrat'. 'Donald Trump: 'I probably identify more as Democrat" https://www.cnn.com/2015/07/21/politics/donald-trump-election-democrat/index... now take all the partisan garbage you vomit about the demrats and realize that it applies 100% to the trumpofucktards like you and the rest of trumpofucktards on this fine, 'cypherpunk' mailing list.