On Oct 8, 2016 6:17 PM, "John Newman" <jnn@synfin.org> wrote:
>> On Oct 8, 2016, at 9:07 AM, Cecilia Tanaka <cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com> wrote:
>> http://superputin.win
> LOL.. this is fucking hilarious.  
> I wish there was an English version….   maybe Zen will translate :)

Zenaan doesn't speak Russian, but I can print him a wonderful "Putin butt plug" as reward, if he tries the translation bravely enough!  <3


The butt plug was printed used a 3D printing.  I can contact the designer to use his art and print this model of "Putin sexual toy" here, in my own country.

It was created for GLBTQ activists furious with *Russia's homophobic policies*, for protest against Putin and "put in" him in cozy, warm places.  Awww...  Peaceful protests are lovely!  <3

sea  sea