------------ Policy / strategy #1 for Donald Trump, his big ticket top shelf #1 item (besides build the wall) is Drain the Swamp There be a very slight wee chance that a few GOP partisans will cross the floor, oppose Trump's Drain the Swamp legislation, and thereby demonstrate on the public record their utter contempt for the people and their completely selfish, self centred, self interested selves to the world. Fortunately this particular problem has a ready and simple solution (if you feel this be worthwhile and appropriate, please pass it on if you have any Team Trump contacts). a) Put all his KEY Drain the Swamp legislations / changes up for parliamentary vote, as early as possible in his first 100 days of presidency. b) Collect ALL those Drain the Swamp provisions that FAIL to pass, and put each of them into a REFERENDUM of and for the people. Simple. That just put the Republiturnies AND the Demosluts in their place! ------------ Those who have followed my views will recognise this position as one I wholeheartedly support: " Back before our civilization despised itself, we applauded tough men. But you can’t produce tough men – or honorable women – without tough love. If you want to keep civilization, you better start by insisting that boys grow up " http://www.breitbart.com/milo/2016/11/04/full-text-milo-ohio-state-universit... It is awesome that this message is getting some pretty serious public exposure. In the immortal words - "Hell yeah!" ------------ And an update from the Ministry ... the Ministry of Winning, that is :) What Trump Means http://www.breitbart.com/milo/2016/11/16/what-trump-means/ " It happened. We won! We now live in the Age of Daddy! Leftists, of course — even those who aren’t still crying in the shower or looking for a razor blade — remain clueless about what it all signifies and how it happened. " " Protesters - Just when you think the Left has done everything in its power to drive typical American voters to the right, they reach into their bag of tricks and pull out a surprise. The kicker is that for the most part, these protesters don’t even vote. " " Hoaxers - Do you have any idea how poor your hate crime hoax story has to be for an increasingly partisan Snopes.com to say it’s untrue? " " Establishment Republicans have a clear future: tough primary elections against Trump-like opponents intent on draining the swamp. " " The Democrat Party - followed Hillary’s lead in labelling everyone who didn’t agree with them racist, sexist, Islamophobic, and every other identity politic epithet they could think of. Some of us knew this meant the “basket of deplorables” would grow to include essentially everybody in America, but many were shocked to eventually see themselves lumped in with the worst offenders, as decided by the extremists who run the Democrat party. " " Celebrities - Meanwhile, Sir Patrick Stewart set phasers to hyperbole, arguing that Trump is “one of the worst things to happen in the last 100 years,” apparently forgetting individuals like Stalin, Mao and Hitler. " " The media - Or browse the Twitter timeline of Michael Tracey, a former Vice reporter who refused to back Hillary after she defeated Bernie Sanders, and spent the rest of the election highlighting the media’s failure to fully grasp the Trump phenomenon. Despite being one of the only lefties to get it right, Vice fired him shortly after the election — for being too mean to Lena Dunham! " " The Deplorables - Trump will take a $1 salary as President, and in his first week as President-elect has Canada and Mexico agreeing to revisit NAFTA and Russia agreeing to not stage a nuclear war. Not bad for a first week on the job. " -- Certified (R) Deplorable (TM) Fake News (TM) Which Hunter (C) Executive Vice Secretary, The Ministry of Winning Shilling for buxom Russian swastika clad minxes (C) 1988