On 7/27/16, Rayzer <rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
A pretty good rundown of how social disruption works. http://theindicter.com/the-weaponising-of-social-part-1-the-crucifixion-of-i...
The follow on piece has been said to be insightful... http://theindicter.com/the-weaponising-of-social-part-2-stomping-on-ioerrors... There's excellent historical and running coverage here, you can clone, contribute, and add any missing elements to it... https://github.com/Enegnei/JacobAppelbaumLeavesTor/blob/master/JacobAppelbau... There does seem to be some muting of former tone in todays last post (which is notably closed for comment)... https://blog.torproject.org/blog/jacob-appelbaum-leaves-tor-project https://blog.torproject.org/blog/statement https://blog.torproject.org/blog/statement-0 You're probably right that history is likely to look poorly upon those who participated in this, even if only for process used, and may thus be likely to hold an ironic cloud of question / irrelavance over them, to include damping any would be global action / stage they might wish to participate in.