On Tue, Jan 10, 2017 at 11:33 PM, James A. Donald <jamesd@echeque.com> wrote:
Appoints a black ape Mrs Helsinki. http://www.misshelsinki.fi/
"Black ape"?! Like all the "Homo sapiens sapiens" of this planet, you have a strong connection with simians. Did you already study the human evolution? If you really think that black people are "black apes", you are a "white ape" and, obviously, not one of the most intelligent "apes" of your specie. I do _not_ support any kind of discrimination against races and I do believe it's terribly wrong and immoral to judge someone for their skin's color. I am not supporting any actions against white people, but the black people always suffered serious injustices committed by white people. How do you think they should feel about it? Happy, grateful for being killed, for being considered an "inferior" race and treated as slaves before in History and now as criminals? It's really easy to understand their revolt, their pain. You don't need to be a smart person to understand it. Injustice always hurts. Some people have black skin and it's pretty beautiful. Really ugly is being a heartless person, a human being able to humiliate brothers and sisters of the same specie calling them "apes". You are North American, right? In few days, you will have the kind of President that you deserve. I sincerely wish USA lots of good luck. Most of the people of your country deserve my consideration and respect, but people like you and "Tramp" spread hate, violence, prejudices and all kinds of intolerance in the world. Hope you both and all those who give support to hate speeches feel the consequences of it in your souls.