On Oct 9, 2016 2:10 AM, "juan" <juan.g71@gmail.com> wrote:
>         I don't know what 'neurotic' means. I do know the ABC of political theory though.

Definition of neurotic:  http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/neurotic

>         So go ahead. Do your homework =)

I will learn something more useful for me than hating the USA, Juan.  I am finishing the reading of an interesting book named "Speaking Code: Coding as Aesthetic and Political Expression" and I am thinking about new eletronics projects for making children laughing in the Halloween. 

Candies, electronics and happy kids make me feel blessed for still being alive.  Politics and corrupt and hypocrite politicians make me strongly wish the suicide again.  Do you understand the difference?  :)

I am tired of pompous people auto-denominating themselves "activists", speaking and writing millions of empty words, without saying something really relevant, like Zenaan, for example, always does.  I want to code and to create new ideas, to make new things.  I want to learn and I always said it since the beggining.

I am still reading all the suggested bibliography about Anarchism and I am really grateful for all the wonderful references, but I am making _my own interpretations_ of all the texts.  I am my own cat and all the places are mine, do you remember?  I make my own choices, wrong or not.

I always read several books and texts at same time and, it definitely isn't practical, but makes me happy.  It's fun to think about cute pink unicorns and how to destroy governments at same time. 

I prefer learn how to coding well than the ABC of political theory, if it will make me a neurotic, who will see USA, military forces or fanatic religions in every disaster that happens in the world.  Did Hurricane Matthew destroy Haiti because of USA military too?  Was it lack of faith?  Aff...  :(((

Governments, corrupt politicians are the evil.  Not only USA government, but ALL the governments, Russian included.