Just call it "TheCthulhu Archive," or something other than Cryptome, then good to go.

That seems silly. No one's going to confuse it with the original, which is why you don't need to rename the files you post on your site. You don't need to call them "Cryptome's Nicholas Merrill v. FBI NSL History/Fee Request" and it's obviously TheCthulhu. Unlike the WikiLeaks mirror it doesn't even look like Cryptome. 

A dual hat locution worthy of ever-duplicitous cryptology.



On Dec 21, 2015, at 12:06 AM, John Young <jya@pipeline.com> wrote:

Just call it "TheCthulhu Archive," or something other than Cryptome, then good to go.

Make many archives, many are being made, many more needed. All start by
and are sustained by thieving, like Wayback's, Google's, WikiLeak's, Snowden's,
Manning's, CIA's, NSA's, In-Q-Tel's, LoC's, Cryptome's.

Mirrors, torrents, copies, siphoning, are tampering, rip-offs, fake goods. A long
tradition of that banditry. Note the offerings of this list, most of the Internet, all
of education, religion, law, the media.

"Respected repository of information," oh my, what a false honor presaging
a spit in eye. A dual hat locution worthy of ever-duplicitous cryptology.

Claims of authenticity, anonymity, updates, are pickpocketing, shysterism,
verily spy trade, inevitable tampering, cheating, deceiving.

, NSA's, At 09:53 PM 12/20/2015, you wrote:
On 12/21/15, Shelley <shelley@misanthropia.org> wrote:
> Cryptome is, or was for a very long time, a respected repository of
> information.  It'd be perfectly understandable if you're ready to hang it
> up, just please do it soon before you run it off the rails.  Please pass it

git (bare repo)

with hidden server (tor, i2p) mirrors

would enable distributed, anonymous, incremental, updates to the
repository to be published easily