On Sat, Feb 12, 2022, 11:59 AM V.I.Lenin <IlyaVladimirskiy@protonmail.com> wrote:

>fucking scammer, get lost

Are you one of those who have a lot of supposedly "anonymous coins"?))) Or are you one of those who believes in algorithms only for central processors?)))) Or are you one of those who believes in Satoshi Nakamoto?))))) Or are you one of those who believe that states do not invest in cryptocurrency?)))))) Or are you one of those who thinks that the main holders of coins do not sell small amounts on the black market for expensive, because you need to pay back the costs?))))))) Or are you one of those who are still sure that through bitcoin and other coins, it is impossible to calculate the physical location of the owner?))))))))

why do you call good ideas a scam? Why is proof of beefsteak not a scam?

punk replies that way habitually I think

i don't see how your expressions relate to the currency you mentioned. where do people have the opinions you hold?