On Mon, 14 Apr 2014 22:08:29 +0200 tpb-crypto@laposte.net wrote:
However, all their technical expertise exists to achieve some political goals. And when you look at the political beliefs of these people, you see that they suck big time. As engineers they may be competent, but there's a step above engineering, and there, they fail.
Since when politics is a "step above" anything? Politicians are the lowest of the low thugs and thus so is their art of thievery.
Indeed. And what I'm getting at is that there are people in the 'security' industry who either consider politicians and the state to be a 'necessary evil', or worse, think that politicians and the political system they serve, are A Good Thing. In a nearby mailing list, there are a bunch of people who are funded by the american military(psycho killers) to create a so called 'anomity network'. Regardless of how good they are at writing code, their political beliefs are sick garbage. They operate on the laughable premise that they are the 'good guys' Same people who, when called out on the source of their funding have one argument : "you're a tinfoil conspiracy theorist!" (Wait, of course, that's not an argument, just puerile name-calling) So, I didn't mean that politicians are above engineers. I mean that political beliefs and understanding of political theory are more important than crypto knowledge. When a guy comes along quoting thomas jefferson and the like, rest assured he's part of the problem.