juan juan.g71 Sun Jan 28 16:05:50 PST 2018
germanics.png image/png (742259 bytes) computer iiliterate asshole doesn't even know to compress an image
Lol. Quantity over quality much. ""But, 2.4 MB is yet a big file size. Let's now play with some other ImageMagick convert commands in order to create smaller file sizes: $ convert cpunk.jpg -quality 50% cpunk50.jpg This is what we need to do in order to "compress" an image. This is going to reduce the image's quality by 50% and deliver a 938.4 KB <=== (Note: KILOBYTES, not even a Megabyte) filesize. Please have in mind that in this example we're reducing the quality of the file, not the image dimensions."" ""reduce the image's quality"" ""not even a Megabyte"" I am on to you, lowqualityanon. Pic related.