Are we talking about wealth, or intelligence?
I know what I'm talking about but you don't know what you are talking about. You seem to have some kind of problem...
You're right, I do have several problems. At the moment, I can't find my lighter. And you never shut the fuck up. Those are two problems I have.
Because I agree that neither of us are in the 1% of the most intelligent. That much is obvious.
Intelligence was never mentioned...
Sure it was. I mentioned it. And it's call fucking with you.
Ok. I believe you. You're not in the 1% of either intelligence, or wealth.
I think you should work harder trying to understand the meaning of the relative position of 0s, 1s and the rest of arabic numerals...
You seem to have real difficulty understanding playful obtuseness in an effort to let a conversation die for lack of genuine interest. Like I said some time ago. You're like autistic or something.