30 Mar
30 Mar
9:28 a.m.
xDynamite dreamingforward at gmail.com Sun Mar 26 13:13:33 PDT 2017
Encrypted their mushroom cult in a deity. Their (((homeboy))) Moses inhaled DMT kickin' it behind that burning acacia bush and came up with the morals you argue for...and yet you are against "drugs". Food has root control of the body, mind, and soul, "drugs" are userland. You must be against the cocoa bean, too, yeah ?
"Smoking pot is harmless", for example, is the first seed of delusion
Anyone who doesn't question "harmless" with "how ?" is doomed to begin with. The delusion is in the trusting of others.
which allows the user to allow
Sounds like a sheckle scheme to me.
brain to get co-opted by the toxicity of THC.
Prove it is "toxic".