On Wed, Apr 10, 2019 at 09:24:20PM -0400, Steve Kinney wrote:
On 4/10/19 8:29 PM, Punk wrote:
On Wed, 10 Apr 2019 19:02:02 -0400 Steve Kinney <admin@pilobilus.net> wrote:
The inherent logical disconnect between anarchy and law enforcement underlines the irrelevance of /most/ debate about how an anarchist society should be run.
Learning what lunatics like berwick and co. think is valuable. And the idea that they are representatives of anarchist philosophy is of course completely laughable.
I prefer what used to be called frontier justice: When someone makes enough trouble to motivate enough people to do something about it, they act: Maybe a good talking-to; if that fails to curb the behavior in question, maybe running the offender out of town; if that seems inadequate to protect the community, maybe killing the bastard.
Who are you planning to kill, exactly? And what sort of 'crime' gets you first a 'talk' and then gets you murdered? Not sure how any of your comments addresses any of the points I made.
Nobody 'tall. But any society /will/ act to protect itself against people who exhibit chronic violent behavior - with exceptions where civilized societies reward that behavior so long as it serves the purposes of the worst offenders, its ruling class.
Frontier justice is not perfect, but it's the best system we have.
Compare the Libertarian belief that incorruptible Courts adjudicating tort claims,
yeah but not the point at hand. And anarchy isn't frontier 'justice' either. Whatever you mean by 'justice'.
Anarchy simply means the absence of a social command hierarchy acting through coercive means. Anarchism denotes theoretical consideration and rhetoric related to defining and implementing (relatively) nonviolent social conventions and behavior.
The word "justice" indicates "adjustment."
Lao Tzu say: "A man most conversant in the rites acts, but when no one responds, rolls up his sleeves and resorts to persuasion by force."
The most typical problems with any idealistic -ism arise when people take abstract ideas literally and try to apply them without consideration of material context in the real world. As guiding principles, abstractions like "anarchy" can deliver a lot of value; but as explicit instructions held to apply universally, they often achieve the exact opposite of their intended results.
Reminder of the town of anarchy: [ANARCHY] Town posts armed guards to stop contraband entry https://lists.cpunks.org/pipermail/cypherpunks/2018-July/042502.html A Mexican Town Overthrew Their Local Government And Things Are Going Great https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-07-02/mexican-town-overthrew-their-local... The town of Cherán, Mexico was once plagued… Cherán is now run by autonomous groups of armed individuals… members of an autonomous militia — guard every entrance to the town, looking for strangers with contraband… “Contraband” would be considered political propaganda posters of those who claim the right to rule other human beings. …Cherán has achieved something unthinkable in Michoacán: a dramatic drop in murder rates, with rates for other serious crimes hovering at nearly zero. For those in Mexico, especially in an election year marred by wanton political murders, Cherán stands as proof that, in the country’s entrenched cycle of violence, the key ingredient to that violence is the state.