On Wed, Jun 10, 2020 at 10:24:36AM +1000, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
There is a Christian philosophy of a "holy catholic church" which will answer the remaining questions for Wo/Man regarding religion. Is that desirable? Or should there be no connection to the Divine in this new order?
there's never been any connection to the 'divine' <snip>
You are of course entitled to hold that as true - I take it that you've not read of the adventures of Vincent Ferrer, or in more recent times, Wigglesworth?
For those interested, the following is a sweet little read, small 'novel' sized book, only 192 pages: St. Vincent Ferrer, The Angel of the Judgement Fr. Andrew Pradel, O.P. Tan Books, www.TANBooks.com ISBN 978-0-89555-686-8 (This one was originally published in 1863, so should likely be available on Gutenberg and/or archive.org somewhere...) probably in your local library and if not it should be :) And for those up for a much more meaty but no less captivating tomb, Wigglesworth clocks in at 846 slightly larger pages - and he is just last century, so photos and all :) Smith Wigglesworth The Complete Collection Compiled by Roberts Liardon publisher - Whitaker House ISBN 978-1-60374-083-8