a mental health worker was sharing a document entitled "Personal Bill of Rights". it might have already been mutated some. total "experimentee" material! it seems important to make these. below i attempt to begin including everything from the document and ideas from other thread. first the ideas then the document. all beings have inherent rights i have the right to be happy i have the right to be treated with dignity and respect i have the right to have my needs and wants respected by others i have the right to change and grow as much and however i want i have the right to make my own decisions i have the right to make friends and be comfortable around people i have the right to a nonabusive environment i have the right to be completely healthy i have the right to do things i want to do i have the right to have personal needs i have the right to have privacy i have the right to have time of my own i have the right to be paid when i work for others i have the right to help people in need whenever and as much as i want i have the right to take care of myself i have the right to make choices based on my feelings i have the right to pursue my life without explaining or excusing myself - maybe intersperse the simple clear ones at both start and end i have the right to think for myself i have the right to make my own decisions without being influenced one way or another Personal Bill of Rights 1. I have the right to ask for what I want. 2. I have the right to say no to requests or demands I can't meet.