On Sun, Dec 27, 2020 at 10:32:43AM +0000, Steven Schear wrote:
The inability or unwillingness of some to deal with their cognitive dissonance. Although this situation has existed since early list days, I think it's become all too common and driven away the best and brightest who use to hang out here. (I'm expecting an almost immediate knee-jerk or ad hominem from the few here who are the most frequent practitioners of this form of fear-based bullying.)
OG Cypherpunk Paul Rosenberg, once again, drops the mike.
Apropos. And a nice "new" fallacy to chew on.
From the glaff hass full dept., "robust use of ad-homs, abundant epithets and threats" ... strengthens one's fire suit - demands it really :D
Problem 'ere is, if we oughtn't immediately end discussions with a simple thought terminating cliché, some discussion threads might actually carry on ridiculously - you know, like for more than two emails (the humble and flawed OP, and of course the thought terminating cliché reply). Then the archives would be an absolute mess... Free monocles and encrusted silver handled walking sticks for all. For all cognitive dissonance avoiders that is… especially a full set for those with an abnormal appetite for botox.