Keynesian brain-washed DemLeft can't do economics math...
" Competing Projections Brain Trust Proposal: ≈ $7 Trillion Brain Trust Actual Numbers Totaled: $2.33 Trillion Five Former Treasury Secretaries: $1.6 Trillion New York Times Estimate of the Report: $700 Billion CBO Estimate: $120 Billion What's Going On? In a nutshell, Biden needs to come up with numbers that will allow him to spend $3.5 Trillion. To make it all work, the Magic Brain Trust concludes Biden's plan will bring in $7 trillion. $7 Trillion Farce The $7 trillion projection is a farce especially given the administration can only explain $2.33 trillion of it. I suspect the answer is somewhere between the CBO's estimate of $120 billion and the $1.6 trillion estimate of five former treasury secretaries. Practical Standpoint
From a practical standpoint, taxes will rise to make up the difference or deficits will be far bigger than the Biden administration projects. "
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