On 12/12/2016 09:18 AM, me03w@riseup.net wrote:

This group is supposedly Anarchist-leaning. Is there a better place to see how a group can police itself than this historical mailing list? Please forgive the use of the word "police" :).

It seems obvious to me, and confirmed by other discussion on this list, that ZH is a troll.
a) He is off-topic.
b) He doesn't make coherent, logical arguments.
c) He makes noise to imply that he enjoys your pain.
d) He has confessed that he is really a 10 year old boy who hasn't found out how to masturbate to relieve his tension.

Why not do what the wise people say and "don't feed the trolls" (this means DO NOT REPLY)? Do not reply even if he sends nazi propaganda. Do not reply if he tortures cats. Do not reply even if he misspells your name. Do not reply with logical arguments. Do not reply with kindness. Do not reply! It's called shunning. In personal life this can have devastating effect. I have doubts about the effectiveness here.

"Whack-a-troll"? If collective action here was effective, he would come back with another user name, and you would have to figure him out again. And of course, there are the other trolls already on the list.

pussy cat signature here

What works like a charm on radio (CB/Ham) works on the internet. Not replying to inflammatory posts period no matter the email address is more functional than simply ignoring email addresses and nicks, which are subject to change. That's the way it works on the radio. You don't care what handle 'the jerk' is using, you just ignore 'the jerk'. Eventually they shut up. Even if they lurk.

Admittedly I'm a violator of that rule of shunning trolls occasionally, but I subscribe to this list because of my interest in Cybersecurity for individuals, any individual anywhere, and some parties, EVEN THOUGH THEY SEEM TO HAVE the technical skills, are using this list as a 'litterbox' to 'shit' in. I believe it's intentional and targeted because it seemed to begin in earnest after most people on the list essentially supported @ioerror when he was institutionally slandered by a few individuals at TorProject. There's an agenda behind the people posting crap here... and it's not related to the crap they post.
