On Mon, Dec 02, 2019 at 11:02:43PM -0700, Mirimir wrote:
On 12/02/2019 10:51 PM, Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
On Mon, 2 Dec 2019 23:44:33 -0600 "Shawn K. Quinn" <skquinn@rushpost.com> wrote:
On 12/2/19 23:04, %$#$&*@^$![BLEEEP] wrote:
NSA != military
"(NSA) is a national-level intelligence agency of the United States Department of Defense, "
do I need to spell it out for you? The nsa is part of the department of war, i.e. the military.
Also, there's likely overlap between Caltech staff and the NSA.
But surely no overlap between NSA and CIA staff - the NSA are clean skins and would have nothing to do with the CIA's orphanages for blackmail program. Although there was an article or two about pizza being the dominant traffic on certain NSA networks...