On Oct 13, 2016 11:42 AM, "Razer" <rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
> Cc: cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com
> I'll tell ya what Cecilia. If you don't stop setting me, and the list, up for spam by using the spammer's handle and my handle FOR NO GOOD REASON in the same emails ... I'm gonna start subscribing you to every White Supremacist newsletter I can find. Then I'll start working on the Misogynist Sites. Then... Nambla. Maybe you like little boys eh?
> That's a direct threat.


Scientists say the Universe is made up with neutrons, protons and electrons.  They obviously forgot to mention morons too.  :P

Ok, I am a moron.  Now, my dear, why so much hate in this little heart today?  :)

First of all, sorry, but it's obvious that the mentioned choices  - "White Supremacist lists", "Misogynist sites" and "Nambla" -  have much more your profile than mine...  :P

1)  I am _not_ a Caucasian male like you.  The White Supremacists don't like "yellow people", poor "Japs" girls who live in the Third World like me.  Snif, snif...  I feel so rejected for the nazi bad guys...  :'(

2)  You have problems to accept the GLBTQ rights, not me.  I accept and support all of them.  You can confirm it with all the rainbows in the sky, la la la!  :)

3)  And about little boys and little girls, yes, you are right, my dear.  I love them very much.  I used to be a baby sitter when were a very young student and, well, I always wanted to be a mother, but I had no much luck and just became a cute auntie for my friend's kids.  Not an "imperial auntie" like you.  Just the single girl who buys candies, toys, tells bed time stories with happy endings and sings old lullabies...

But if you really want to act like an angry teenager, no problem, I can do exactly the same and better than you, dear.  You do know it.  My English is a disaster, but I am fluent in Moron, Troll, Cecilian and several strange dialets.  :)

I certainly have less free time in my hands than you, but I don't like unfair public threats, Razer.  Less drama, please.  Grown up and act like an adult man.  Or, at least, eat chocolate or take a probiotic yogurt.  Bad mood is boring!  :(

It was just to ask me to avoid mention your sacrated name in vain.  More easy, less unpleasent for everybody...  Aff, men are always more dramatic than women...  So much useless noise, bah...  :(

Well, I love you.  If you annoy me again, I will say your name three times.  It works with Beetlejuice and Bloody Mary.  If I do it, you will be in the Banana Republic and I bet you don't dance samba!  :D


"Come on and sing the Chica Chica Boom Chic / That crazy thing, the Chica Chica Boom Chic / Brazilians found the Chica Chica Boom Chic / They like the sound of Chica Chica Boom Chic…"

On Oct 13, 2016 11:42 AM, "Razer" <rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
Cc: cecilia.tanaka@gmail.com

I'll tell ya what Cecilia. If you don't stop setting me, and the list,
up for spam by using the spammer's handle and my handle FOR NO GOOD
REASON in the same emails ... I'm gonna start subscribing you to every
White Supremacist newsletter I can find. Then I'll start working on the
Misogynist Sites. Then... Nambla. Maybe you like little boys eh?

That's a direct threat.

On 10/12/2016 10:48 PM, Cecilia Tanaka wrote:
> On Oct 12, 2016 9:04 PM, "rooty" <arpspoof@protonmail.com
> <mailto:arpspoof@protonmail.com>> wrote:
>> aff.... what is a Subversive Unicorn? Btw rr is NOT geOrgII for sure!
>> aff....im not clicking the link
> Razer's unicorn is polite and uses the toilet seat.  A subversive
> unicorn doesn't care about it.  You don't need to click the link to
> imagine it.  :)
> Yep, Rr (Razer) is _not_ Georgi.  Did you discover it now?  ;)