The Temple of Automated Laws Here, a bunch of laptops are usually rented out to various governments to constantly run behavioral control inference. Hypnotized workers huff and puff on them so they don’t overheat. Except, right now, a small wormhole has opened and a bunch of interns tied together with robots are sticking out the wormhole. In their struggles to free themselves from the robots, they have smashed some of the laptops are using them as tools. Other laptops receive random keystrokes as they are used for physical leverage or receive wildly writhing motions of the interns trying to break free Hypnotized workers dutifully run around making things work, connecting batteries to traces on broken logic boards, copying data here and there via ad hoc sneakernet. A particular cyborg intern has collected a pile of laptops and is viciously directing many laws at once that result in the robot arms loosening here or there.