From: Marina Brown <>

Subject: Re: is looking for volunteers

On 10/24/2017 11:47 AM, Chad wrote:

>> Marina Brown catskillmarina at
>> Tue Oct 24 07:56:38 PDT 2017
>>> Myanmar
>> "muh gė́nocide and ethnį̇́c ć̣leansing"
>> Wow a (((cohencidence))) that you throw in the Buddhists, and that you
> name them first.
>> Your "religion" has to be pretty fucked up for Buddhist children to take
>> up arms and start killing you in the streets.
>> You are openly defending the argument "She asked for it.", btw.
>> Rape Culture, antifaanon.

>Are you really and truly insane ? Straw man supreme anyone ?

I'd like to understand the dispute.   This is from the Wikipedia article: 

"The current conflict began in October 2016 when ARSA insurgents attacked Burmese border posts along the Bangladesh-Myanmar border. In response, Myanmar authorities launched a military campaign against the Rohingya and from October 2016 to June 2017, government operations killed more than 1,000 Rohingya civilians, according to UN officials.[28][12] In August 2017, following attacks on local military outposts by Rohingya rebels, a resurgence in violence erupted throughout northern Rakhine. According to the UN and other agencies, the Myanmar military, aided by violent mobs of local Buddhist Rakhines killed over 400 people (whom the military claimed were insurgents or terrorists). Other estimates, including the UN's, estimate that at least 1,000 people were killed between 25 August and 8 September.[32][14] By September, the violence had resulted in 389,000 Rohingyas fleeing their homes.    [end of quote]

What are we to think?  This is informed by the fact that in decades of my reading the news, Buddhists are almost always peaceful, while Muslims are quite frequently violent.

                Jim Bell