WEEK 1 Thirty seconds of cold water at the end of a warm shower
WEEK 2 One minute of cold water at the end of a warm shower
WEEK 3 A minute and a half of cold water at the end of a warm shower
WEEK 4 Two minutes of cold water at the end of a warm shower
Do this gradually and work your way up, at least five days a week. Follow
2022-03-21 0635 ET: [X] Week 1 Day 1 of Wim Hof Protocol. Performed indoors. 2021-03-21 1643 ET: [+] Week 1 Day 1 Shower 2 of Wim Hof Protocol. Performed indoors. 2021-03-22 0545 ET: [X] Week 1 Day 2 Shower 3 of Wim Hof Protocol. Performed indoors. 2021-03-23 0707 ET: [X] Week 1 Day 3 Shower 4 of Wim Hof Protocol. Performed indoors. 2021-03-24 0652 ET: [X] Week 1 Day 4 Shower 5 of Wim Hof Protocol. Performed indoors. 2021-03-25 0749 ET: [X] Week 1 Day 5 Shower 6 of Wim Hof Protocol. Performed indoors. The regularity of this effort helped do other routine things today. I spend some time with the water hot prior to changing it cold, and don't actually cleanse myself while it's cold, doing it all prior. The hardest part is turning it cold at the start. I think this would be easier if I changed those two things I do. Here's the excerpt I found in a book on library genesis: the feeling. Don’t force anything. It’s also fine to start with fifteen seconds and build up more slowly He says that the sense of shock should go away after 30 seconds. I'm not experiencing this quite yet. Maybe he means when you're into one minute. I'm noting he says "warm" shower, not "hot" shower. Maybe that's the primary thing to work on. I think it would reduce the shock for me.