As Brooklyn borough president and a candidate for mayor, Eric Adams promoted an unconventional police tool called BolaWrap, even demonstrating how it works at a 2018 event at Brooklyn Borough Hall.

However, a new report from the New York Times published Wednesday suggested there may have been a conflict of interest in Adams' promotion of the tool after it was revealed that Adams now-chief of staff Frank Carone was an investor in the product.

During an appearance on "Mornings On 1," Adams denied having any knowledge that Carone had a stake in BolaWrap.

"I had no idea that Frank was investing in the company," Adams said. "I was focused on saving the lives of New Yorkers."

Adams said Carone was a private citizen at the time of the 2018 demonstration, but added that he only came across BolaWrap - a tool that can wrap a rope around a suspect's legs in order to restrain them - after a "terrible incident where someone lost their life."

"I looked at this at this tool can really prevent some of the deaths that we have witnessed with police, and particularly those who are dealing with emotional illnesses," said Adams.

The mayor added that throughout his career, he has always sought out new police technology that can also "keep people safe."

The NYPD, according to the Times, rejected the device.