On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 12:57 PM, grarpamp <grarpamp@gmail.com> wrote:
... Anarchists are interesting... because they have an affinity towards nothing, they're resistant towards everything, and proposing anything. Perhaps that is worthy of certain degree of respects.
authentic anarchists are not about "nothing"; that would be the nihilists. anarchism is about autonomy, personal responsibility, utmost liberty. delegating what should not be delegated to corrupt(ing) centralized powers is the source of great harm and suffering across humanity. the heart of anarchism is opposing centralized control and power, whether unitary or hierarchical, in all domains of life. anarchism has the potential to be most robust and most just, in the same way that well built fully decentralized systems are robust against classes of faults endemic in centralized structures. rational anarchy, however, does appear to require a higher class of human animal than currently populates the planet... best regards,