3 Sep
3 Sep
5:36 p.m.
once upon a time a kindly young man lived in a village of huts made of grass and sticks the kindly young man was about 21, skinny, medium height, athletic, and didn't know much about the rest of the world other than the few huts and village members he had interacted with all his life [his name may have been mind control boss though] one day, this kindly young man [who may have been named --] came home to his and there was a giant creature there, with the head of a lion and a the body of an eagle. kindly young man [who may have been named m --]: "oh! what have we here?" creature with head of a lion and body of an eagle: "i am griffin, kindly young man [who may have been--]. i live on the cliff across the valley above your village. --