On Mon, Jan 20, 2014 at 3:33 AM, Cathal Garvey <cathalgarvey@cathalgarvey.me> wrote:
... Should I blacklist the Austrian remailer then, and cut out all decent uses of it as well as the bullshit? How about people who are fairly high-signal until they get into mud-wrestling?
Humans are hard to "filter". If they weren't, they'd be really dull.
brute force so inelegant; did not say it was key match filter, only that you've got the tools for sophisticated categorizing, hiding, and re-tuning at your disposal. no you don't have to but you should and will find it enlightening[0]. it's bonus level when playing SMTP on INTERTUBES :) 0. regarding conspiring communicators: like full take, your algorithmic puppet behavior fixed in record now until the infinite future, linkability only ever increasing... i'm doing my part to train your tools since before you were watching! *grin* email actually convenient to work with for this type of processing compared to other channels like custom forums, javascripty-and-comety "Web 2.0" services, etc.