The Legendary John McAfee... Alive and Well in the USA !!! "I can get inside your computer and screw you. I'm in your office. I'm hearing everything you're saying. They didn't anticipate... They forgot who I was. -- John McAfee" "It’s the ppl like John McAfee, who we think are unhinged weirdos but in reality they are the truly WOKE individuals who understand how the world operates behind closed doors and at the highest levels of authority." "My POTUS run can spark a free people, but our hearts must first be free. An Angry people cannot create peace and hateful people can build no loving structure. If we accept the Blockchain as our guiding light, our hearts and our minds can be free. -- John McAfee" "The power of this corrupt government is immense. While we remain sheep we are helpless, but as free people working in common, we are invincible. -- John McAfee" John McAfee's Ex-Girlfriend Says He Faked His Death And Is "Still Alive" In Texas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Ux_ipIsNyo Hello there... I'm John McAfee !!! https://themindunleashed.com/2022/08/john-mcafee-ex-girlfriend-faked-death-s... https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/john-mcafee-movie-amanda... https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/08/eglinton-anyone-fake-death-john-mca... https://www.theguardian.com/world/2022/aug/23/security-guard-awaiting-trial-... https://decrypt.co/108090/john-mcafee-is-still-alive-ex-girlfriend-reportedl... https://nypost.com/2022/08/23/john-mcafee-doc-unravels-the-notorious-tech-mo... https://www.esquire.com/uk/culture/a40953177/john-mcafee-documentary-directo... https://www.cnn.com/2022/08/24/entertainment/running-with-the-devil-review/i... https://twitter.com/nypost/status/1562126865896194049 https://www.netflix.com/title/81327515 https://twitter.com/cryptomemes18/status/1561358514534113287 https://twitter.com/patrickbetdavid/status/1562196982764294144 https://www.thedailybeast.com/netflixs-running-with-the-devil-exposes-suspec... https://twitter.com/OTR444/status/1562261978797641729 https://edition.channel5belize.com/archives/84575 https://nypost.com/2021/06/23/john-mcafee-referenced-jeffrey-epstein-in-suic... https://t.me/WHACKDByMcAfeeBasedChat https://twitter.com/TokenWhackd/status/1562349397475835904 https://twitter.com/theemrsmcafee/status/1555646915009708034 https://twitter.com/MarkEglinton/status/1552588333364252674 https://twitter.com/EditorParkin/status/1557672533037547521 https://twitter.com/GhostbyMcAfee/status/1556489586183794689 McAfee Coin https://t.me/ghostcoinbymcafee https://ghostbyjohnmcafee.com/ https://ghostbymcafee.medium.com/ghost-development-update-july-2022-622eaaf5... https://www.countere.com/home/john-mcafee-interview https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/trolling-in-his-grave https://twitter.com/McAfeeMemorial/status/1555881689896845313 https://www.huobi.com/en-us/live/detail/h5?id=756 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lKYT_n4hYww https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10376653/John-McAfee-admitted-plann... https://www.change.org/p/release-john-mcafee-s-remains-to-his-wife https://rumble.com/v1ac0ae-the-conspiracy-horsemen-janice-mcafee.html https://opensea.io/collection/whackdaltruism https://releasemcafee.com/ https://twitter.com/PATPmovie Rob Loggia @Loggiaonfire A president that is dead or in hiding would be a vast improvement over any we've had so far. Elvis could be his running mate. #McAfee2024 Robert King @Thefotoking McAfee 2024. Please welcome the next President of the United States of America. In a new Netflix documentary released today, John McAfee’s ex-girlfriend reveals what happened... John McAfee, an internationally-recognized pioneer in antivirus software who is believed to have died in June 2021, led a strange and scary life that is only growing more mysterious. It was widely reported that McAfee committed suicide by hanging himself while he was detained in a Spanish prison pending extradition to the United States on charges of tax evasion. However, according to his ex-girlfriend Samantha Herrera from Belize, he only pretended to have killed himself and had actually relocated to Texas. John McAfee faked his death and is 'still alive' in Texas, ex-girlfriend claims in Netflix doc https://t.co/06KIQQC0ip pic.twitter.com/mYAhwedbga — New York Post (@nypost) August 23, 2022 In a new Netflix documentary, Samantha claims her ex-boyfriend is actually still alive today. “I don’t know if I should say, but two weeks ago, after his death, I got a call from Texas: ‘It’s me, John. I paid off people to pretend that I am dead, but I am not dead,” Samantha begins. She goes on to reveal that John McAfee told her “there are only three persons in this world that know I’m still alive” and then urged her to disappear with him The new documentary, called Running With the Devil: The Wild World of John McAfee, was officially released on August 24, 2022 and can only be found on Netflix. Netflix documentary Running with the Devil: The Wild World of John McAfee will be released on Netflix on August 24, 2022.#johnmcafee #Netflix pic.twitter.com/vYqfX0o6N3 — crypto memes (@cryptomemes18) August 21, 2022 Herrera’s assertions that McAfee is actually still alive have the director, Charlie Russell, scratching his head. “I don’t know what I think and I don’t think she does,” Russell said to Esquire. “She says it, then she looks at the camera, and I can’t work out whether she thinks it’s real or not. She’s someone who was very angry at John,” he continued. “He promised them a life together and I think they were genuinely in love, despite the huge age difference, I think he offered her a real different future, then he literally ditched her at the border and I think that’s very painful for her and it’s taken her years to get over that.” What? If there’s anyone who can pull this off, it’s John McAfee. https://t.co/xYcyW3pnza — Patrick Bet-David (@patrickbetdavid) August 23, 2022 Samantha Herrera says that she and McAfee, who was residing in San Pedro, Belize at the time, began dating when she was only 18 years old, and that they had the intention of getting married someday. However, they fled the country together in 2012 after the suspicious death of McAfee’s next-door neighbor, a Florida man Gregory Faull. Samantha was able to recruit her relative, prominent lawyer Telésforo Guerra, to work as John’s attorney. “His side of the story is that they’re after him because he didn’t pay off the government. They wanted to hurt him, to get rid of him,” Herrera says in the documentary, claiming that McAfee had connected the Belizean government to corruption. McAfee, now a murder suspect himself in the case of Gregory Faull, was eventually able to make it back to the United States without incident thanks to the assistance of Guerra, despite having suffered a heart attack in Guatemala City. John McAfee was a true genius🧠who lived his life his way. He has my admiration🫡 simply for that. These kinds of people are very rare, and I believe it's our responsibility to learn from them. #McAfee #antivirus #John #WHACKD #CyberSecurity #Cyber pic.twitter.com/g3UcPTRMEO — Carlos Marcello (@OTR444) August 24, 2022 According to the Netflix documentary, not long after that, he ended his relationship with Herrera and married another woman named Janice Dyson who had previously worked as a prostitute in Miami. At the time, McAfee playfully warned him that “unfortunately, you will have a potential criminal in the family now.” Guerra died the following year. Before the suicide reports surfaced, McAfee had been warning on a regular basis to anyone listening that he wouldn’t have killed himself if his dead body were to be found in prison.