While Islam Sharia Caliphate is incompatible with, and essentially instructs to conquer all non-Muslims, up to and including murdering all those who Speak Freedom, hypocrisy, and defects out against it, refuse to be enslaved or pay religious tax, etc... such as might Anarchists, Libertarians, Agorists, Christians, Atheists and literally everyone else but Muslims.. sound money is somewhat uniquely represented... Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner Co-founder of @BitcoinMajlis. #Bitcoin Maximalist. Altcoins are scams. #Bitcoin is anti-Riba. Austrian Economics. Podcast: anchor.fm/muslim-bitcoiner medium.com/@Muslim_Bitcoiner Joined June 2021 Tweets 10,008 Following 4,868 Followers 6,314 Likes 76,012 432 Photos and videos Tweets Tweets & Replies Media Search Pinned Tweet Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 2 Apr 2022 Of all the sins, Riba is the least understood. We know that it's super haram and abhorrent, but we don't really know why, other than "it exploits the poor", but it's actually much more destructive than that. Let me explain... 👇 71 1,238 85 3,237 Show this thread Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ retweeted Richard “Dick” Whitman (🌎/21M) @GhostofWhitman 1h Everything in “#crypto” that’s not bitcoin… …is designed enrich exchanges & multi-millionaire insiders at the expense of under-informed newbies & the little guy who thinks he’s buying a lotto ticket. It’s truly a more rigged version of the fiat economy 1 3 1 18 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ retweeted Dr. Yasir Qadhi @YasirQadhi 1h Muslims are the last bastion of morality in the West. I say this with a tinge of sadness, as we want people of all faiths and backgrounds to come together on this topic and protect our children. We CANNOT allow the teaching of immorality in schools. Ford Fischer @FordFischer 5h VIDEO THREAD: "Protect our children!" Today a Muslim-led coalition rallied outside the Montgomery County Maryland School Board against the removal of an "opt-out" option from human sexuality related material. Pro-LGBT activists counter-protested, chanting "secular schools!" Show this thread 19 120 6 561 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ retweeted Jizya Collector @_jizyacollector 3h Honestly I believe the main reason is due to riba, the rising cost of living, inflation and the relatively low minimum wage is what is preventing young Muslims from marrying. That's why the growing trend now is that Muslims are marrying in their late 20s to early 30s Ismail Kamdar @IsmailKamdar 19h Why are so many young Muslims finding it difficult to get married these days? Share with me your honest thoughts on this, don't hold back. Show this thread 1 14 1 27 Show this thread Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ retweeted Bitcoin Majlis @BitcoinMajlis 2h It finally arrived!! 2 12 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ retweeted Eric Yakes @ericyakes 6h Government money that starts off fiat is never adopted by the public That's why it always started w/ gold and gradually became fiat People first notice this bc they feel poorer And now are realizing that it's not bc of capitalism - it's bc the government controls their money 2 4 18 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ retweeted Coinbits | DCA into bitcoin @CoinbitsApp 5h Thanks for the memories 🥹 6 10 45 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ retweeted Mustafa ⚡ @MuatafaGMI 6h TAKE YOUR BITCOIN OUT OF THE EXCHANGES NOW! The Block @TheBlock__ 6h SEC files motion to freeze cryptocurrency held by Binance.US theblock.co/post/233369/sec-… 1 4 11 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ retweeted Alp @ghetto_muslim 5h Come on guys, 900,000 Sats left for the bull on the right. @OrphansOfUganda @orphansofuganda 7h Replying to @orphansofuganda @BitcoinMajlis Two black bull, when say the black bull is not available, I mean the first animal on the left, and on the right is available and less with 900,000sats to be paid off, so far two brothers have paid on it 2,000,000. DM and donate via lightning ⚡ orphansofuganda@8333.mobi. thanks 2 3 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 6h A quick summary of the issues I see with the Keynesian concepts used in islamic economics Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 7h Replying to @SafdarAlam Good thing I just got Twitter blue! 😂 So first let's address what some of the fallacies are that are found in islamic economics/finance Let's pick a book. Here are excerpts from the book "Understanding Islamic finance" by Muhammad Ayub. This chapter is from "Distinguishing… nitter.pw/i/web/status/166… 12 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ retweeted Orange Pill Pharmacist @FinneJay 7h If your coin was decentralized, why would you care what the SEC does? 8 10 1 74 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ retweeted Samson Mow @Excellion 8h The Crypto people are right. Now is the time for us to stand together. First they need to sell their shitcoins, cease the decentralization theatre, and stop enabling outright scams. #Bitcoin only. 13 153 17 973 Show this thread Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 7h "Fiqh-making which is integrated into the State, and captured by it much like the production of money or monetary policy will only serve to green-light Cybernetic bidah." Brilliant read by @IbnMaghrebi! Ibn Maghreb @IbnMaghrebi 9h Notes on Techno-Nafs and Algorithmic Culture listed.to/@TheIqraFiles/4474… Show this thread 1 4 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ retweeted The Secret Muslim Banker @SecMuslimBanker 8h Brilliant video. Most people arguing against the capitalist system are too fixated on looking at the negative effects of central banking and interest rates. None of them discuss the root cause of our economic ills. Capitalism is good. Commoditisation of money is bad. The Grammatical Fiction @Koestghost Jun 6 "If you're going to talk about the pitfalls of capitalism and you don't understand central banking, well we've gotta go back to square-one, brother." (@LibertyLockPod testifyin') There is always an element of the left that obstinately refuses to learn this. 2 4 15 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ retweeted Mike Still @MikeStillBTC 8h I love a Jack Mallers rant. This one from July 2021, on Brian Armstrong and Coinbase. Choose your fighter. Jack vs Brian. I choose Jack. 101 331 68 1,474 65,491 Show this thread Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ retweeted ₿ased Kraken @TheMoneyTech 8h This is your brain on social brainwashing propaganda —> thinking certain regulation is bad, while other regulation is good. —— The difference between crypto and fiat is the number of guns owned and operated by the two groups. Everything else, IQ included, exactly the same! 🤷♂️😂🤣 RYAN SΞAN ALTCOIN - rsa.eth 🏴🦇🔊 @RyanSAdams 13h ok, it's time for us to take action against the SEC. file the lawsuits. call the senators. send the money. let's coordinate. what's the best way for US citizens to push back? 1 1 3 GIF Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ retweeted Alan ₿ Watts ⚡️ @alanbwt 9h The reason so many people get mad at Bitcoiners is because our mere existence negates the knee-jerk reaction of, “But who could have seen this coming?” #Bitcoin 1 6 18 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ retweeted MacroJack @macrojack21 9h Central banks and governments conspire to steal the wealth of the masses via inflation and taxation. We sacrifice time for money that the Ruling Class can create from nothing. When they issue debt/create currency, they are stealing our time. #Bitcoin fixes time theft. 8 35 4 96 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 9h Literally these first 2 chapters address 95% of the faulty concepts found in any islamic economics textbook Alex Younkin @alyounkin Jun 6 These chapter alone make this book worth it. @saifedean Mind boggling. 4 11 57 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ retweeted The Grammatical Fiction @Koestghost Jun 6 "If you're going to talk about the pitfalls of capitalism and you don't understand central banking, well we've gotta go back to square-one, brother." (@LibertyLockPod testifyin') There is always an element of the left that obstinately refuses to learn this. 14 45 7 219 2,700 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ retweeted JeThoreau🔸BTC🔸∞/21m 🌎🌍🌏 @JeThoreau 11h Sadly, the Leftists back at “square one” understood this Fiat central banking is ESSENTIAL for implementing communism Marx himself even specified it as the fifth “plank” of the Communist Manifesto The U.S. has NOT been truly capitalist since 1913 #EndTheFed #BTC fixes this The Grammatical Fiction @Koestghost Jun 6 "If you're going to talk about the pitfalls of capitalism and you don't understand central banking, well we've gotta go back to square-one, brother." (@LibertyLockPod testifyin') There is always an element of the left that obstinately refuses to learn this. 8 16 1 49 Load more https://twitter.com/MBitcoiner/status/1510360631718735875 nitter Logo Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 2 Apr 2022 Of all the sins, Riba is the least understood. We know that it's super haram and abhorrent, but we don't really know why, other than "it exploits the poor", but it's actually much more destructive than that. Let me explain... 👇 Apr 2, 2022 · 8:56 PM UTC · Twitter for Android 71 1,238 85 3,237 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 2 Apr 2022 The truly destructive aspects of Riba can only be understood in the context of our modern monetary system, where Riba powers the global economy. The dollar, which is the global reserve currency, can only be created by issuing debt, and in order to make this debt profitable, 3 27 1 188 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 2 Apr 2022 it needs to be tied with interest. The ones that issue debt are the central banks and commercial banks. The banks are therefore incentivized to issue as much debt as possible; it's how they stay in business. But what does this lead to? 4 17 135 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 2 Apr 2022 Because debt issuance is how money gets created, it leads to everyone borrowing if they want to effectively participate in the economy, and they must either pay interest or make money with interest. "well MBitcoiner, I can just hold dollars and not have to participate in Riba" 2 14 127 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 2 Apr 2022 This is simply not true. There are 2 problems. One, when you hold dollars, you are subsidizing everyone else's loans. You enable the banks to issue more loans when you hold dollars, and you enable the bank and its customers to earn more interest. Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 24 Mar 2022 Replying to @MBitcoiner 2. Saving cash still involves Riba as you subsidize everyone else's loan. When you save cash in a bank, you enable banks to loan more money and profit more from Riba. @saifedean talks about this in "The Fiat Standard" "The fiat system thus taxes savers and subsidizes borrowers" Show this thread 2 12 2 100 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 2 Apr 2022 Two, the dollars that you hold were instantiated from Riba. A dollar can only be created through interest. Think this through, how does holding a Riba generated token help you to avoid Riba? All you do is strengthen it. 2 7 94 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 2 Apr 2022 So it should be clear now that Riba is tied with the money that we use. This graphic from @timevalueofbtc and annotated by @SandwichOfEarl is a great summary of how Riba is at the base of our money. nitter.pw/SandwichOfEarl/s… OK but how is riba destructive? We're getting there... SandwichOfEarl ⚡ @SandwichOfEarl 26 Mar 2022 Replying to @SafdarAlam Muslims should be at the forefront of understanding #Bitcoin but sadly most are blind to the reality of the current situation 👇 1 8 80 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 2 Apr 2022 With fiat, it's no longer economical or profitable to produce things of value. Businesses just need to find ways to pass on debt at higher interest rates than what was initially borrowed. It's no coincidence that big businesses like Target and Amazon issue credit cards to... 4 16 2 123 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 2 Apr 2022 ... their customers. It's not a consequence of "capitalism", it's the incentives created by Riba which compel businesses to participate in interest rate arbitrage. @saifedean explains this in The Fiat Standard. 4 14 130 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 2 Apr 2022 When you have an economy that's basically powered by profiting through cleverly passing on debt, nothing of real value gets created. Businesses need to continually cut costs to produce goods of lower quality to earn profits faster than the rate of inflation. 2 19 3 117 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 2 Apr 2022 Another destructive aspect concerns the creation of artificial market demand. When everyone has access to cheap debt, the prices of goods and services increase, making them inaccessible to the poor. @c_hashreview has a great thread about this: BTC/Zero - Muaawiyah Tucker @c_hashreview 8 Feb 2022 1/ Ribaa (interest), Loans, Finance, what are the short term & long term harms of it? Many Muslims accept that Riba is harmful, but few think beyond the immediate harm, & the more deeper harms often are overlooked. Let’s have a glance at some. Show this thread 2 6 1 78 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 2 Apr 2022 Another destructive aspect of Riba concerns its massive cost. All interest eventually needs to be paid back by human labor. There's no getting around this. Banks harvest human labor without putting in any work. Read more here: Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 5 Mar 2022 Usury in the current fiat system allows banks to siphon off the fruits of humanity's labor, without putting in any work. "All interest is eventually paid by human effort... The total of this human effort ultimately is for the benefit of those who create fiat money" Show this thread 2 8 1 85 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 2 Apr 2022 But then you may be tempted to conclude that only the borrowers are paying the cost of interest, but in fiat world where debt is money, everyone pays for it through the loss of purchasing power (inflation). So ultimately, all of use are paying the cost of Riba with... 1 8 2 79 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 2 Apr 2022 ... our precious time and labor. But it's even more sinister than this. Consider that the federal reserve issues debt to fund war. @gladstein wrote a fascinating article highlighting the cost of war through borrowing. bitcoinmagazine.com/.amp/cul… The Invisible Cost Of War In The Age Of Quantitative Easing Through increasingly unscrupulous monetary policy, U.S. government officials mask the costs of war from the American public. Bitcoin could fix this. bitcoinmagazine.com 3 8 74 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 2 Apr 2022 Just to give an example from the article: "Americans have by now paid roughly an additional $1 trillion in interest alone for the privilege of borrowing to wage conflicts" Do you see it? The astronomical cost of interest doesn't just end at human labor, it's human lives. 1 8 1 80 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 2 Apr 2022 The neverending wars that the US finds itself in is merely just a natural progression of having a Riba based monetary system. The wielders of Riba (cantillionaires) need a constant supply of slaves and human lives to keep the interest flowing in. 4 7 86 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 2 Apr 2022 When you analyze Riba through a fiat framework, its destructive nature becomes more apparent. I honestly believe that Riba is the worst calamity to befall the Ummah, and it's no wonder why the Quran and Hadith use such harsh language against it. Let's fight it together. 6 26 1 169 Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 2 Aug 2022 If you want read about why I believe Bitcoin might be the solution to this Riba problem, please check out this article, as it builds on most of the points listed above: Muslim Bitcoiner ⚡ @MBitcoiner 29 Jul 2022 "The fiat system is based on debt and usury, which is antithetical to Islamic law. Bitcoin allows for a monetary system that follows the teachings of the Quran." Thank you @BitcoinMagazine for publishing my article! bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/… Show this thread 5 1 26 Load more