It looks like , which is starting their own global code repository blockchain based on some mainstream blockchain library, started based off arweave, a permastorage chain that is still alive and well-reputed. The new blockchain is still testnet, but arweave is mainnet. The web interface is still usable at Note: they are big nodejs fans. Everything is typescript and javascript. So this project has that property in pair with secure scuttlebutt, which also provides a decentralised code repository system. Here is my draft of how one could get set up using immutable code storage. I'm using ardrive-cli because I am interested in storing other files from the command line too, rather than just git repositories. # install stuff sudo npm install -g ardrive-cli # ardrive command sudo npm install -g typescript sudo npm install -g @thetechtrap/dgit # dgit command # generate wallet export ARWEAVE_WALLET_PATH=$HOME/.arweave_wallet.json ardrive generate-wallet "$(ardrive generate-seedphrase | tr -d '"')" > "$ARWEAVE_WALLET_PATH" # remove cruft from wallet file if present, otherwise it breaks stuff # sed -i "$ARWEAVE_WALLET_PATH" 's/^{"jwk"://; s/}}$/}/;' # i think dgit is now like the poor man's git, and can clone stuff using dgit:// urls or somesuch