Ok : first the conclusion. The % of braindead tor zealots in this list is higher than in tortalk. Yes, that makes it clear what kind of joke this ´cypherpunk´ mailing list is. Except mostly for posts from John Young, the content, and politics here are worse than what youd expect from joe sixpack. ¨rysek¨ ¨Oh, come on. I'm sure Juan has created a much better and much more independent project than Tor,¨ What I´ve done or have not done has nothing to do with the facts I mentioned and the soundness of my analysis. And yes. I, personally, am much more independent than people on the payroll of the US government, go figure. Sampo ¨Yes, well, fuck you. I read much of code, I run an exit node, and just fuck you and your germ line.¨ ¨fuck your germ line¨ Dear Sampo, it is too bad that your message has been written by a worthless shitbag (you) who cannot compose even basic english sentences. If you ever manage to reach some sort beginner´s level of english, so that you can communicate...anything meaningful - let me know. Lodevijk¨ And if you don't think it's reasonable, doesn't that just make more sense? It's the USA!¨ Right, the more absurd, the more sense it makes. \