VP Kamala Harris is slammed as a hypocrite for condemning Russia's 'wrongful detention' of cannabis smuggler Brittney Griner when SHE locked up a THOUSAND Californians for pot possession as state AG Nancy Pelosi’s visit to Taiwan is expected to cost tax payers over $90 million for security, allocation of US military presence, and more. All this for her to get a private tour of the Nvidia chip factory after she purchased millions in shares using insider info. Our "leaders" are a bunch of 80-year-old drugged out gangsters who steal our money and give it to their lobbyists. This system is a joke. Okay let's see. For $54 Bln we could permanently house 270000 US citizens in a $200000 1-bedroom unit or we could spend $54 Bln on Ukraine's hopeless war so more people will die and hundreds of thousands become refugees https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-pentagon-waste-specialreport-idUSBRE9... "Linda Woodford spent the last 15 years of her career inserting phony numbers in the U.S. Department of Defense’s accounts. Every month until she retired in 2011, she says, the day came when the Navy would start dumping numbers on the Cleveland, Ohio, office of the Defense Finance and Accounting Service, the Pentagon’s main accounting agency." https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-features/pentagon-budget-myst... "Despite being the taxpayers’ greatest investment — more than $700 billion a year — the Department of Defense has remained an organizational black box throughout its history. It’s repelled generations of official inquiries, the latest being an audit three decades in the making, mainly by scrambling its accounting into such a mess that it may never be untangled." https://www.npr.org/2021/05/19/997961646/the-pentagon-has-never-passed-an-au... "But critics note that all federal agencies, including the Pentagon, have been under the same requirement to undergo an independent financial audit since the early 1990s. Every other federal department has satisfied audit requirements since fiscal 2013, when the Department of Homeland Security had its first clean audit." https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-pentagon-waste-specialreport-idUSBRE9... "The partial audit of the Marine Corps was no mere bureaucratic exercise to impress top Pentagon officials. The Defense Department is the only federal agency that has not complied with the 1992 law that requires annual audits of all government departments. That’s the case even though the Defense Department’s