Steve Kinney admin at Sun Aug 20 23:40:15 PDT 2017
The pic I shared did not imply there was no protest; it showed a thousand or so from the air.
calls me "Red"
You are supporting the protest of free speech. And the violent actions to shut it down. I understand you are an anarchist. You still rely on a peer-to-peer whitelist process. Otherwise you rely on a central authority. Not so good for CAs, or even DAs, at times.
A one dimensional model can not represent anything real.
Yes it can but not something that requires more dimensions. L/R implies an unspecified center that is always moving. Hard to derive consistent value from that.
I am absolutely, not relatively, evil
I thought all anarchists were Chaotic Neutral ?
higher dimensions not limited to the Left/Right spectrum
Please explain your model.
Nazis and KKK
Being used to undermine the social progress of the past 25 years. Read into the facts, not the narrative. I am sure you know the way.
"special" history
You misspelled "falsified".
skepticism re-enactment
Here is a clip **No JS** that addresses your concern: Start at 1:40.
let's pretend people protesting against free speech stood there while yapping about their free speech rights being violated.
No need to pretend, friend. This is absolutely what happened. The hip progressives love irony. Ever heard of Public Relations ? This shit is just a giant skittles commercial. Pic related.
people showed up at what they /believed/ was a "Neo-Nazi" pep rally, to say Fuck You.
People, even as smart as you, have been tricked. Do you know what the Charlottesville Rally was about ? Preserving a statue. It was organized by Conservative Jews. Not "Nazis". Not "KKK".
America's Grassroots Fascists
Are the violent anti-speech protesters you seem to be defending. "Neo-Nazis" hate authority. "KKK" hates government. Neither can be fascists. Neither can be against speech. Know who loves authority and hates speech ? Communists. And you, seems.