On Wed, 3 Aug 2016 07:52:40 -0700 Rayzer <rayzer@riseup.net> wrote:
On 08/02/2016 09:16 PM, juan wrote:
Tor works exactly as designed. It is a 'honeypot'.
Prove intent if you're going to make that claim.
I don't need to prove the intent of the US militaty. Even reading a couple of newspapers would 'prove' it. Onyl a worthless scumbag like you would doubt the intent of the US military *and their contractors*.
(Crickets chirping...)
Are you hearing stuff inside your head? Well, considering that you can't even read your name, that's not surprising.
It's a FLAG YOU WAVE that lets them 'kettle' you into a honeypot if your security is lax.
Which is why I say we need millions of "flag wavers" to assist in the obscuring process.
No matter the technology. No matter the code. If you are the only person using it and the government, for whatever reason doesn't want you to, you're a dead duck eventually.
On Wed, 3 Aug 2016 04:00:12 +0000 (UTC) jim bell <jdb10987@yahoo.com> wrote:
Perhaps the solution will be that the Tor project team will study how to insert "anti-bad-people"chaff into the Tor streams, increase the number of hops The number of hops is irrelevant because the tor network fails 'at the edges'. It doesn't matter how many times you bounce stuff inside the network since the traffic is 'correlated' when it enters/leaves the network.
(more to confuse the "bad people"; they confuse the hell out of me!), etc. Eventually, they will have to sadly announce that they haven't yet fully succeeded in preventing"bad people" from using Tor, but they HAVE greatly improved security in various ways.
What makes you think that military contractors for the US military(i.e. tor) have any interest in improving the security of the enemies of the US gov't/military?
Tor works exactly as designed. It is a 'honeypot'.
Jim Bell