My own humble contribution follows. Some of youse may have heard this already. Act accordingly. A billion node network with each of node serving an exactly divisible 512 members. This network is set to halve regularly as technology improves. This network accepts anyone that can digitally sign a release saying they accept APster risk before receiving filthy lucre. So, apart from that its free and always will be! Yeah, No, really. Each node has a vested interest in keeping members money flowing. 5k per person per annum to start and float in line with global GDP. No node will ever want to become a bad cluster since income is sure to rise barring unprecedented world catastrophe. Nodes may also be as fascist as they think they can get away with. No more whining about woke. Five billion poor spending more sounds cornocopium but I hear you say, where's the money coming from? I reply, from the Mikhail Bakunin estate tax at first, closely followed by the Emma Goldman luxury goods and services tax. Also a rise in global GDP is guaranteed. Even clinically depressed hoarders might want to contribute. ID management is devolved. People may choose between strict and slack nodes. No biometrics is required. Just a certain initial investment to get the ball rolling. This proposal subverts sacred cows like the social security Ponzi and Defence protection racket aspect of govts. Eventually enough to collapse all govts - a long held cryptoanarchist tenet. Hopefully well before Cypherpunk 2027. Another blockchain with homomorphic and zero knowledge proofs is possible! The greatest contradiction now is between the " what is " and the " what could be " So the pressures on. I say - We do things like this for the greater good or we do nothing. And welcome to the revolution.