Al Billings wrote 2013-10-18 03:57:

Cypherpunks: where old net fogies argue about top posting and HTML in email.

How 1998.

There is a way of keeping informed that is disturbed by HTML (and sometimes by top posting). Firstly, HTML-forums with threads are out of the question because it takes way too much time to find out if something of interest has been posted. You can't rely on thread subjects for that. The old mail-list format is much more reliable if you don't want to miss anything.

Also, if you don't want to miss anything, you are probably subscribing to the cypherpunks, cryptography@randombits, cryptography@metzdowd and cryptopolitics (low volume at the moment) lists, often receiving a hundred postings every day, or more. Including doubles and triples reposted by Eugene Leitl. To scan these postings with the quick-browse/delete-method (3-4 posts a second) is significantly, irritatingly slower if you have to wait for the fractions of a second that the HTML needs to load.
